Archive for the ‘Women’ Category


Where Anger Leads

December 2, 2013

reality motivational poster

I hear this quite a lot:

“There is so much anger in the sphere. This anger works against you and just makes you look like a bunch of angry bitter misogynists who hate women.”

I won’t deny there are many angry men in the sphere.

As i mentioned to Tarnished Sophia in my previous post here, a majority of the anger in the sphere comes from men who are freshly introduced into the sphere on what could arguably be the worst day of their life. The day their marriage ends, the day they get frivorced, the day they get cheated on by their soul mate, the day their kids are taken from them, the day they end up going to jail for a false rape, or not being able to keep up with outrageous sums of child support.

And they stay angry for a while, as everything they grew up believing about concepts of love, romance, chivalry, men and women comes crashing to the floor like a porcelain plate.  Much of the anger is justifiable, because it’s men who wake up to the fact they’ve been lied to their whole life and are now faced with the difficult task of having to accept a new reality and discard everything they thought they knew in order to digest and accept the new truths of the sphere.

It would be as if you worked hard for 35 years and investing wisely by handing over your money to Uncle Joe who everyone said was good with moeny, only to suddenly be told by Joe that it was all a lie, he wasn’t investing, he gambled it on coin slots.. all the money was gone, and you had to start again from square one learning about the realities of investing from real investors instead of listening to people who don’t know a thing about investing.

In Obsidian’s post about Ratchet women here, Off The Cuff left a very good remark that encapsulates what i have been blabbing about above:

There are two components of the sphere: getting men to first *understand* reality and get over their preconceived notions of how things should work, and then, processing the implications of it through discussion.

The former drives the latter.

I thought i knew how i was supposed to attract women. Be nice. Have a job. Be their friend and get to know everything about them before opening up your romantic intentions. You don’t want to come off as just being after sex now and add to the stereotype that all men are after is only sex. Yadda Yadda.

Once i swallowed the redpill and read every aspect of the sphere, no amount of me crying in my milk was going to change the reality of the game. Either i accepted how things actually work, or i would repeat failure. I wanted sex. I wanted a relationship. I wanted the comfort of a wonderful woman. That drove me to accept the redpill, dump all my blue pill mentality in the trash and get to the hard work of implementing the change required.

It didn’t happen overnight. There was a lot of anger along the way. A lot of anger to get out of my system. But eventually my keystrokes became less about leaving comments about all women being bitches and more about how my changes were netting positive gains in The Real World.

And this my friends, is why i get a little peeved every time i have to justify the latent anger the simmers just beneath the surface of the sphere. It’s because with the exception of a few keyboard warriors who continually enjoy leaving comments of blaming everything on women and living in their misery (because it’s easier to stay there rather than move forward and accept the new reality).. most men reach a point where they accept the new found reality and get to the hard task of slogging through their pain and anger, getting past those preconceived notions of how things should work, and start to internalize how things ACTUALLY work, and process how they themselves will work to take the best advantage possible within that framework.

From working within reality.

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Confidence is like “Magic” to Women

November 21, 2013


They don’t really care to know how the illusion is created, they just want to be excited by the trick!

“Fake it till you make it” – Or so the saying goes around these parts. I’ve already written about Confidence once, but i though i’d expand on it and how i believe women ‘experience‘ this thing men exude.

You see,

  • Most people can’t step into the Octagon with a world champion MMA fighter and simply say “I’m confident i can take that motherfucker down!” – You’re face will end up looking like the bloody steak in the meat section of your local supermarket.
  • Most people can’t  walk into a dōjō and simply say “Yo, you and you’re silly little black-belt are going down right here, right now bitch!” – Chances are, a doctor will be putting a cast on you somewhere.
  • Most people can’t  walk onto an military firing range and dare the master marksman “I’ll bet you my house i can hit that target 1.5 kilometers away before you do!” – You’ll be crying while packing your bags and taping up the boxes for the movers.
    soldiers army military sniper 1440x900 wallpaper_www.wallfox_net_81

You simply cannot be a novice and expect to beat masters with years of practice under their belt with simple platitudes of ‘just be more confident’. That’s kind of like throwing a never touched water neophyte into a raging torrent of fast moving water and saying stupid shit like “Just tread water!” or “Move your arms dammit!” or “Don’t breathe while under the water!!!”

Now, you can get lucky once in a while, so fake it till you make it has merit, but the true goal is to become proficient until you can replicate victory over and over successfully, by knowing you have the ability to cash the cheques your ego is writing!

That is where true confidence stems from. Natural confidence comes from external sources of validation and receptivity. It’s no secret that many good looking people exude natural confidence simply because people are more receptive and accepting of them (just ask Ted Bundy), more forgiving of faults or misdeeds by the beautiful people. It’s why we go “Awwwwww” when the cute little dog is taking a shit on the carpet and chewing on your shoes and biting your hand when you put it in the food bowl.. but you squish a creepy spider under your shoe without remorse, even tho it does the environment good by eating the pesky blood sucking mosquitoes! Spiders be creepy yo.


Once again, i’ve gone off track. Naturals are confident because they’re used to society being agreeable with them from the starting gate. Everyone else from average on down has to work for and succeed at things to build on confidence. We all know this is true.


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The Good that Women Can Do

November 5, 2013

My last few posts have been about goody goody girl and relationship stuff. I’m about to go back into the darker, harder hitting stuff about vapid woman, sluts, retarded feminists and entitled attitudes. So before i start launching the invective i thought i’d do a send off for all the great things that women can be and are capable of.

This is mainly a Thank You page to all the women who affect my life in a positive way whether they know it or not.


To the 2 paramedic EMT’s, both women, who tended to me while i was scaring the hell out of my workout partner with my heart rate dropping to danger territory syncope episode. Very professional, and pleasant. I immensely enjoyed having some mildly flirtatious moments with the one who took my blood sugar reading. Cute latina type. Even tho she had seen me crash from a BP of 75 down to 30 in a manner of a few seconds during my episode, i played the whole incident off as nothing more than a mild annoyance to me without a hint of danger. Like the black knight saying losing all 4 appendages was a mere flesh wound.

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Let the Free Market Decide – No Subsidies

July 17, 2013

Toronto. We’re all melting here. I fucking hate heat waves.

The sun is out, it’s sweltering, you head into the convenience store and open the mini freezer to pick out an ice cream bar. Two items catch your eye. They both look identical.


Both sell for $3.99 (damn rippoff if you ask me).

So on the surface we see two delectable items that have the same investment cost, but we drill down a little deeper.

One is sold by Haagendaz, a company well renowned by connoisseurs of the sweet stuff. Known for their rich and creamy goods being of only the finest quality, even if fattening.. it’s the indulgence factor. Just ask Lindy West. We know what we’re getting here by the ingredients. Pure cream, sugar, caramel, chocolate coating and a sprinkle of nuts.

The other is sold by the Acme Biohazard Disposal Company. It comes in a plain plastic wrapper with a biohazard logo on it. It lists as it’s main ingredients seagull shit, diarrhea, aged semen and fever blister pus sprinkled with assorted abscess particles.

Seriously… at what point are you even going to entertain spending your money on a donkey diarrhea bar?

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Relinquishing Your Rights and Accepting Victimhood

July 10, 2013

[UPDATE: MRA EDMONTON’s campaign is starting to go viral and mainstream due to their ‘Don’t be that girl’ campaign. Follow along here, and make your voice heard in the mainstream. Viva la Common Sense and Sanity! ]

This post may piss some people off and enrage some. Oh well, i aim to misbehave. There’s something i should be putting up here.. can’t quite remember.. i’m sure it will come to me eventually.


New Years Eve, 1993.

I’m at a house party. The taste of Southern Comfort is permeating my mucus membranes. The women whom I have been pining for (and who would be my future wife) is there too. Everyone knows i have a thing for her, including her. She unclasps her bra from under her shirt and pulls it out through the sleeve of her shirt. It’s a black bra. Some of my friends wave it around the room as i chase it all over the couch and over the coffee table like an omega clown. I know i look stupid. I feel the fool. But i’m having fun nonetheless being the idiot. My logical brain is still running, it tells me i’m being retarded. It knows i would not be doing this on a normal day. And it says ‘What the hell, it’s NEW YEARS.. run with it’. Stupid inebriated traitorous brain.

I am drunk. Probably the drunkest i’ve ever been.

I still remember being in the bathroom, during the New Year’s countdown, with my face pressed against the cool tiles beside the toilet. I remember telling myself “You’re a fucking idiot, you’re going to miss the New Year because you drank too much”. My mouth wasn’t moving, it was drooling. All this talking was going on in my mind, unaffected by the room spinning or my blood alcohol level.

I still remember the rancid taste of pickle’s and Southern Comfort as i leaned back over the bowl to dry heave the last of the projectile vomit & bile out of my system, the sounds of party revelers droned out by my nausea, like the reverb sound you hear shortly after a loud explosion went off nearly knocking you out.

I recall every moment of every drunken episode i ever had. Especially the time my friend spun me on his shoulders and i flew off head first putting a huge whole into the drywall. Fun times.

This is why i have a problem with people who claim they never remember what happened, or blacked out. I think it’s a cop out..


Let’s say you can legitimately claim that. Hell you, reading this right now, have drank to the point of blacking out, or have done things while drunk you cannot remember. Time and again you drink and cannot remember a thing you did the night before.

If you know that drinking puts you into that state, what you are actually admitting is that you are a fucking idiot for putting yourself in harms way by entering a state whereby you relinquish any and all ability to prevent yourself from being a victim. To enter a state of Limbo where anything can happen that you have zero control over and are powerless to prevent. You enter a state where you can neither account for your actions or accept responsibility for them.

I needed to say all that as a prelude to where i’m going with this…

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A Non-sensical Question deserves a Non-sensical Answer

June 17, 2013

In the absence of an available logical male presenter to answer the blatantly stupid question being posed using the same old lies and feminist tropes regarding the wage gap myth.. this answer by Miss Utah will have to suffice!

Way to go UTAH!



May 6, 2013

This post is coming out of drafts, i started writing this just before Christmas holidays last year, and Rollo’s post here about having a Plan for what to do AFTER having secured initial interest reminded me about it so it’s a good starting point. Without further adoo.


Many years ago I had a conversation with the woman who had me in the friendzone.

The conversation led to what women really wanted because obviously what i had offered up until then was not enough. I had heard ‘you’re such great guy‘ too often without any results. Being friendzoned by her was proof positive.

You see feminism taught me how to be tolerant and respectful towards women but it did not teach me that these traits were devoid of attraction. Being nice and showing all your positive traits in the hopes it will be recognized by the very women claiming to be looking for those traits, which is now vilified by femcunts like Marcotte was how I (we) was(were) brought up assuming we would get women to want to have relationships with us. We were told women WANTED to be with men who don’t disrespect them, make them feel like crap, treat them like assholes. We are still told this to this very day. Guess who loses in the short term mating market?

It taught us that treating women as equals and human being was enough.

Now don’t get me wrong.. i get that there is a huge divide between being an asshole and simply being sure of yourself and confident. One takes a little time to become, through experience, patience and time. One is the shortcut way of attracting the emotionally broken and self esteem cripples of the world, women who can only be validated by thugs or have a rescue complex the size of NML Cygni. Problem is, many women don’t give guys a chance to develop the former, so they choose the path of least resistance and join the latter, mainly out of spite or sheer frustration.

If there’s anyone out there who knows exactly what i’m speaking about, it’s Deti and i invite him to repost most of his remarks below. He makes a shit ton of very good comments over at HUS on thread discussing hypergamy. Deti *groks* what most people don’t seem to understand.

You’re just not grokking what men of our generation were taught. Our own mothers either didn’t get it or, more likely, simply lied to us. Frankly I think it was that our own mothers didn’t want to admit the truth to themselves that they did the exact same things they saw the girls doing and that they themselves made some mistakes they regretted.

My mother didn’t lie to me, she just didn’t know any better. Or maybe she wanted me to avoid making the same mistake. After all, my dad was a boxer.. and looking at old pics of my mom, she was a looker in her day so she had SMV to spare. Who knows.. maybe she did lie. I just think becoming a mom destroys any sense of rationality women have and they need to justify to themselves that whatever naughty bad behaviors they did aren’t worth detailing because they want their kids to act, behave and be better than them and live in their ‘idealized’ world. It’s a theory. A shitty one but well, there it is.

So now you have this kid who’s grown up believing in irrational fairy tales of what girls who are made of sugar and spice want and should be like and what they should actually like.. and now dump a whole shit ton of feminist slut hookup culture into the mix. It’s like baking a cake. A diarrhea cake.

That's one sinfully sick cake you don't want to touch..

That’s one sinfully sick cake you don’t want to touch..

If you want to see just how far feminism fucked me over, go reread this post here. It so drilled into my head on how to be so respectful and subservient towards women, to always tiptoe around them and to NEVER be aggressive or sexually honest around them (Game allowed me to break this self perpetuating cycle of catastrophe ). So much so that i am pretty much now incapable of maintaining sexual arousal when a woman asks me to get ‘rough’ with her. It turns me off and makes me go limp. (Thankfully not an issue as my current paramour loves steamy, sensual and enthusiastically passionate sex, not Gorillas in the Mist sex any caveman can do. Monkey sex is not my forte, and i’m fucking proud of that fact)

Now, me and Deti may very well be a generation removed from what’s going on today, but my guess is that with an SMP that appears to be even more fucked up than ever before, the lessons of the past repeat themselves. But now I’m off track.. so back to the convo with my friend.

I asked her what with all my ‘great’ qualities why I was striking out? She said that I just needed to be more confident. I asked her how? She said ‘You just do. Confidence comes from within.’ I immediately balked an told her that wasn’t true. Confidence is not innate, its earned. Read the rest of this entry ?


There are NiceGirls™ all around us

February 7, 2013

You’re too Nice dear.

Ever see the girl who loves cooking breakfast for a douchebag?

Ever know a girl who really likes getting her boyfriend a beer?

Ever witnessed a girl make a sammich for her lover?

Ever heard about a woman who picks up after, cleans and does the laundry of her special guy?

Ever read dating and advice columns about women asking what more they can do to get their significant other to un-equivocally commit to them?

Ever had to listen to some vapid chick cry about how hard she tries to please her man sexually, giving him every request he wants without getting her needs fulfilled, faking her orgasms or just getting the wham bam jackhammer thank you m’aam treatment.. and then  asking why he’s still so distant?

Ever hear a woman weep after being berated, humiliated, shoved, abused by her man.. and defend her man saying he’s really not like that, he’s a good person, just give him time?

Ever hear all of this from a woman who simply felt an expectation that doing these things were part of building a relationship towards the goal of commitment?

Ever hear a woman call a man a commitment-phoebe?

Ever hear all of these women pour forth a river of tears , shrieking in agony and cursing to the heavens about how they did everything to keep the relationship going, how awful these horrible men were for not pouring in the same amount of effort, how he’s a creep, a loser, immature, peter pan, man boy  child, not ready for a serious relationship and how he wouldn’t man up to take the relationship to the “next level“?

The vitriol that bursts forth from their lips when cold, harsh  reality sinks in as her mind awakens to the fact that all her efforts were for naught, all the while receiving cold comfort and validation from a security blanket of female friends, a gaggle of hens who curse the stupid awful mean man who simply refused to appreciate her epic awesomeness to perform his duty to the imperative and commit to her.

We see it all the time but never call it out for what it is because we live in a world that gives primacy and validation for the female preferred method of both promiscuity and attaining commitment.

It’s the rules of GirlWorld™.


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The Fly on the Wall Reports Back on “Girls Night”. Sluts shame good girls.

January 27, 2013

Before i start this post let me just get a couple small items off my list.

1. To everyone asking about my p90x page. I’m sorry, i’ve just been too damn lazy to put it together because i tried giving advice tips and info… when i should have just put up my damn pics and be done with it. When the page is ready, i’ll announce it.

2. I’ve hit a personal milestone on my adventure with braces. I can run my tongue along my bottom row of teeth and it feels smooth with no gaps. It’s exciting to see and feel results. I can’t wait for the finished product. Don’t ever kid yourself. A great smile is 50% of your confidence. Also, i can slip the little rubber christmas tree brushes between all but 2 of my teeth! Whoohoo!


Ok, with all that out of the way.


Last night i had a 4 hour conversation my friend, the one who lost a shit ton of weight and is on her way to looking stunning again. Let’s call her “E”. In a previous post i mentioned my almost FWB who went by the label of “J” and my exwife “S”. Let’s also add the label “B” to my ex’s close friend. Keep these in mind as i proceed.

I won’t recap the entire discussion, too bloody long. Let’s just say i am really proud with myself for how much RedPill knowledge i’ve acquired, accepted and internalized. The information i was giving her, the way i answered her numerous questions, and the way the pieces ‘just fit’ in explaining how human nature works, startled even myself when i left for home. I gave her the unvarnished truth and didn’t hold back, neither her nor her brother denied or disagreed with much anything i said because everything i stated was backed up by experiences both of them actually had throughout their lives.

I put the puzzle together for them right before their very eyes. They saw the real picture of the world, the way the pieces were meant to fit, not the disjointed, misshapen horror they were looking at when they tried forcing pieces together that were not meant to be joined.

Of course it doesn’t hurt that she’s what i call a natural RedPill ready woman. She’s a traditional type that accepts the male leads/woman follows dynamic, the Captain/1st officer roles. She admits she likes being led. For lack of better terms, she knows she’s RedPill, she just doesn’t understand why.

Although she was absolutely and completely naive about the world of relationships, and carried no real comprehension of what men look for in women, why the behave the way they do (aka taking walks to see the sunset not because we enjoy it ourselves, but part of the imperative that says we have to entertain your interests if we wish to partake in sex down the road), hypergamy, women’s nature, sexual ranks, attraction, the wall, aging, etc. I told her things she certainly didn’t want to hear, but she took it all in stride. She also learned for the first time ever that i went through 12 years without and didn’t even conceive of the possibility that men aren’t able to get sex when they want. (apex fallacy/80/20) She didn’t think men felt emotions during sex, that it was no different than when a guy masturbates. She really held her mind open to listening and i saw the gears turning as she didn’t blow up in emotional hysterics but actually digested the information, connecting dots.

Like the wisdom of the ancients being emptied from the Matrix of Leadership to combat the Hate Plague, she was an empty vessel ready to be re-filled with knowledge and wisdom. Of ancients no less. Wisdom her grandmother and great grandmothers before her held. Wisdom erased by 40+ years of feminist bullshit.

As i said, it was a long, deep and honest conversation.. with revelations about me and my own personal supplicating beta behaviour and the things i did wrong in my marriage. She also volunteered that she was cognisant of the fact that men are visual and knew full well that guys were going to start coming onto her again after 4 years of being obese. It’s because she’s venturing off into the world of dating that she started the whole conversation with me, specifically me because she has found me to be completely honest and cerebral with her, pulling no punches. She REALLY wants to learn. I found out she is very much the traditionalist and that aside from a brief bit of experimenting with which she did not enjoy the outcomes of, she is a low number count woman.

It was somewhere in the middle of this conversation that i was clued in on the fact that she had experienced a “Girls Night’ with her friend, my ex and my ex’s friend. And it was during this night when girls do as they do when they get together that they discuss boys, and sex acts, and how many guys they’ve slept with.

What i heard simply floored me on a visceral level.

These ‘good girls’ that i had envisioned throughout my entire beta life, my entire incel period.. were feeding at the trough with reckless abandon and it became much more sinister than just that. And here was more poor dear low count friend sandwiched amongst these “ladies” when the question turned to how many guys they let access their gates.

“E” told me that she sat there as she heard the number 18 and 60 thrown out (Tho who had which number she didn’t say). When the time came for her to answer, she was hesitant because her number simply couldn’t compare to theirs, so she meekly said “5”.

My ex isn't black. Nor is she 6 years old. You got the point tho right?

My ex isn’t black. Nor is she 6 years old. You got the point tho right?

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Ladies.. if you’re aiming for a husband..

January 23, 2013

For my female audience…

Bag him when he’s a clear shot and you got ammo to spare…


… instead of waiting until he’s out of range, and you’re praying for a miracle with your last rounds.

I simply cannot state it any clearer than this. This is the difference between getting who you want vs. ‘settling‘. Ignore at your own peril and don’t blame the man you end up with when you’re dreaming about an Eat, Pray, Love excursion. It’s all on you for having your priorities all ass backwards.

And remember.. the younger girls you compete with.. they’ve got their hand cannons loaded and bringing them to bear. And while they’re picking off their targets with ease, you get stuck with ‘Mr. Right’

Mr. Right

The alternate title of this post was “Everything i said in my Last post summed up in 2 pictures…

Another alternate title: Priorities… you’re doing it wrong.

I see a future spinster here..

I see a future spinster here..

From my comment on 3MM:

“What about change of mind or wanting life experience”
-these can’t be done with a long time boyfriend or engagement partner? if marriage and children are supposed to be a woman’s top priority in life, she needs to treat it as such. if women want to travel, have fun, ride the carousel or just jump from boyfriend to boyfriend while building a career.. then that is the priority in their life, not marriage/kids.

If going to a reputable school was your priority in life to get an education, you spend your time getting a job and socking away tuition. Sure you can let loose every now and then, but you want to be able to afford Harvard right? You can live your life with the priority of making it into that school. You can’t spend your years blowing all your money on booze and parties every friday night (and not studying to boot) and then wake upone day and say ‘ok time to apply to harvard’ and expect to get in with shit marks and $0 in you bank account.

Seriously… don’t take my word for it.. check out who’s looking at Mr. 36 year old M3 right now… (and remember that *I* am looking to romance women 7-10 years my jr.)

Ladies please.. you should be looking for men older than you..

Ladies please.. you should be looking for men just a touch older than you..