Posts Tagged ‘rape’


False Accusers Should Dragged Into The Street and Publicly Beaten

October 18, 2013

Update: The police have made a statement saying Rachel Cassidy was falsely identified, no word yet on the real name of the false accuser. Will be waiting with bated breath for that.


[And i’m back. I apologize for my absence. I had what i’ll call a “Murphy Week” in late Aug / early Sept where everything that could go wrong was going wrong. That was compounded by me having a ‘medical emergency’ dealing with my ticker, of which might be nothing or everything, depending on my test results with my cardiologist next Wednesday. Suffice to say, i didn’t feel like writing and wanted to stay away from the sphere as far as possible. No need reading about how horrible and shitty N.A. women are day in and out and writing shit about it either. Life felt too short so i wanted to disappear. I was going to write a sort of farewell post after my results came in, stating my absence and the fact that demands in my life are eating up my time and blogging seriously took a hit. Would i give up blogging altogether? Perhaps.. or just post extremely rarely and go back to being a commenter. As far as i was concerned, my catharsis was complete, i set out on my blog journey and came out exactly as i desired to be. A redpill man who shared his experiences on the way there and got the outcome he wanted, with a big fuck you to feminism to boot. There wasn’t much left for me to say that others couldn’t say better than me. So i was prepared to leave. That changed today when i read the following event on my Facebook feed. I simply lost it. Just to let you all know, my prior misery stemmed from things like my brothers absence, the loss of my dog, etc.. emotional things. As to how i conduct my life, i am still very happy in that regard. My relationship with my girl is better than ever so no concerns there either. Now, onto my rage rant.]

A Question for You.

2 people stand in front of you. 1 man. 1 woman. The woman says ‘He stole my umbrella!’. The man says ‘No i did not.’.. you look a the man and you see he is holding an umbrella behind his back. Is he guilty?

Perhaps. You clearly see the umbrella so you know the claim may have merit. So what do you do? Lock him up?

No, you ask him if he has a receipt or proof of ownership. If he produces it, you go back to the woman and ask if she can do the same. If she cannot, she is lying. Switch who has the receipt and she was honest and he is a criminal.

We call this investigation. We call it due process. And we do not arbitrarily remove the mans liberty simply based on the word of a person.

It is the cornerstone of justice.

Now imagine the same situation, but you do not see the man holding an umbrella at all. No other information is present. She says he stole it. He says he didn’t.

If the base assumption is that no one ever lies or risks putting themselves into a position to be scrutinized or challenged, then you have a dilemma on your hands if you have to start with ‘The accuser is always telling the truth, the accused is always guilty’ don’t you?

And i saw too much of that kind of mental midgetry today.

I’ve had enough. Enough of the bullshit.

I don’t care if this pisses off anyone, i just have to finally come out and say enough is enough. I don’t care if this goes viral. I want this front page, and i don’t care if Jizzabel, Femcuntfisting or the FatManwithBoobs comes after me. Let them.

I’ve had enough with a world that try’s to remove the essence of justice. That attempts to install a totalitarian way of thinking, that removes rights and liberties and treats the innocent as guilty, a world that operates on belief and not evidence.

Every bit of my Atheistic core is driven to rage because i’m seeing a carbon copy of what Christopher Hitchens derided religion for acting out before me with the Ohio ‘rape’ scandal and the woman being eaten out in public view.

And i cannot tolerate it any longer.

The assumption that no woman lies. That no woman would subject herself to that. That we must remove critical thinking and act without evidence or in contravenance to the evidence before us. That we must simply take it on faith that 100% of accusations of rape are real, with no evidence required and the need for trial a formality. He has been accused, it is enough to simply put him in the stockade, trial be damned.

FUCK YOU! To quote the Hitch “HOW DARE YOU!”

No i won’t tolerate it anymore.

Read the rest of this entry ?


Feminist Hysteria Over Rape Will Lead To This Future

August 23, 2013

Just a little over one year ago today i made a comment on Carolina’s blog post A Sexual Contract where i made the following observation:

“…During it i concluded that we were well on our way as a society where we would all be initialing pages and paragraphs and line items of the ‘Long Form Fuck Contract” in order to spell out what would happen and who would take what responsibility…

…I even concluded we’ll get to a point where we will have ‘apps’ on our phones to instant legal docs and advice, Legal Zoom style quick contracts…”

Well i just found a great parody video to share with you depicting that future.

(H/T to One Man’s Perspective)

Feminists have been fucking up intimate sexual relations since the birth of their movement, trying to prescribe one size fits all nonsense, ignoring hard science regarding attraction mechanisms, avoiding talking about token resistance and blurring the legal lines of what rape was always intended to define.. violent and aggressive sexual behaviors performed on or being forced to perform against ones will.. with the utter vagueness and nonsense they spew from their poisonous maws about regret rape, tipsy rape, he cheated on me and i would never have had sex with him if i knew so that’s retroactive removal of consent so he therefore raped me rape..

I swear…

..if we ever get to a point where couples become required to fill shit like this out..

…to protect our own asses..

…and it becomes a legal mandate..

…my girlfriend will buy a gun and go on a FUCKING FEMINIST MURDERING RAMPAGE* for taking the FUCKING FUN OUT OF SEX AND SEDUCTION!


* satirical comment

Sep 30th, 2014

Someone will owe me royalties on this idea!


More Random Musings on Rape Culture Nonsense

August 9, 2013

This will be my final ever post regarding Rape. It contains everything i’ll ever have to say on the matter and can add nothing new after it. Nor is it a topic i want to bring up again due to it’s contentious nature.

I had originally been jotting down notes to write another addendum post to the last one i wrote.

I’ve abandoned any hope of crafting a smooth flowing post of it because it would take too much energy trying to connect the dots and make anything cohesive out of it. So i present it to you in Kibbles and Bits form. Segmented, fractured, in bite size peices for you to digest and absorb as you see fit. Discuss as you desire.


Hypothetical scenario.

Your tongue is sore. Your bicep has grown from the frenzied fingering you just administered. You just gave your girl the climax of her life, and it took a HUGE amount  of effort to take her there.

But long before that occurred, you were already tired.You know she wants to have sex as she had intimated earlier she was horny and ‘ogling and objectifying’ you. You could have said “Not tonight”. You could have said “I’m way too tired”. You could have said anything. You could have been an asshole and played the feminist card.. “I’m not an object to be used just to grant you pleasure at a whim” or better yet “You aren’t entitled to sex”.

That would go over well dontcha think?

You chose to grant her a pleasurable night over your own exhaustion because you took her needs into account. Would anyone suggest that because you did it even tho you didn’t FEEL like doing it … all of sudden she raped you? Was you coerced because you understood she would feel dejected, or possibly feel unwanted or undesirable?

Would any rational mind consider that rape or sexual assault took place in this scenario because you felt the ramifications of saying No would harm your relationship more than granting your partner the release they craved?


Jeremy make and excellent comment that needs to be read over at JudgyBitches post. Read it in full HERE.

Now i want you to read the following scenarios if you will:


Relinquishing Your Rights and Accepting Victimhood

July 10, 2013

[UPDATE: MRA EDMONTON’s campaign is starting to go viral and mainstream due to their ‘Don’t be that girl’ campaign. Follow along here, and make your voice heard in the mainstream. Viva la Common Sense and Sanity! ]

This post may piss some people off and enrage some. Oh well, i aim to misbehave. There’s something i should be putting up here.. can’t quite remember.. i’m sure it will come to me eventually.


New Years Eve, 1993.

I’m at a house party. The taste of Southern Comfort is permeating my mucus membranes. The women whom I have been pining for (and who would be my future wife) is there too. Everyone knows i have a thing for her, including her. She unclasps her bra from under her shirt and pulls it out through the sleeve of her shirt. It’s a black bra. Some of my friends wave it around the room as i chase it all over the couch and over the coffee table like an omega clown. I know i look stupid. I feel the fool. But i’m having fun nonetheless being the idiot. My logical brain is still running, it tells me i’m being retarded. It knows i would not be doing this on a normal day. And it says ‘What the hell, it’s NEW YEARS.. run with it’. Stupid inebriated traitorous brain.

I am drunk. Probably the drunkest i’ve ever been.

I still remember being in the bathroom, during the New Year’s countdown, with my face pressed against the cool tiles beside the toilet. I remember telling myself “You’re a fucking idiot, you’re going to miss the New Year because you drank too much”. My mouth wasn’t moving, it was drooling. All this talking was going on in my mind, unaffected by the room spinning or my blood alcohol level.

I still remember the rancid taste of pickle’s and Southern Comfort as i leaned back over the bowl to dry heave the last of the projectile vomit & bile out of my system, the sounds of party revelers droned out by my nausea, like the reverb sound you hear shortly after a loud explosion went off nearly knocking you out.

I recall every moment of every drunken episode i ever had. Especially the time my friend spun me on his shoulders and i flew off head first putting a huge whole into the drywall. Fun times.

This is why i have a problem with people who claim they never remember what happened, or blacked out. I think it’s a cop out..


Let’s say you can legitimately claim that. Hell you, reading this right now, have drank to the point of blacking out, or have done things while drunk you cannot remember. Time and again you drink and cannot remember a thing you did the night before.

If you know that drinking puts you into that state, what you are actually admitting is that you are a fucking idiot for putting yourself in harms way by entering a state whereby you relinquish any and all ability to prevent yourself from being a victim. To enter a state of Limbo where anything can happen that you have zero control over and are powerless to prevent. You enter a state where you can neither account for your actions or accept responsibility for them.

I needed to say all that as a prelude to where i’m going with this…

Read the rest of this entry ?


There’s never was any hope for Humpty Dumpty

December 8, 2012

Let me ask you a question.

If a woman is raped.. how long does it take for her to get ‘back on the horse’ as it were? Does she get berated with things like

  • you’re really bitter and resentful about it
  • you gotta let it go if you want to move forward and find a good man
  • you’ll always be alone with that attitude
  • you’ll never get a man if you treat him as guilty from the start
  • your hate and mistrust will keep you from finding happiness

Does she?

I don’t think so. I think it’s common for everyone to put on their sensitivity cloaks and say yes.. this woman suffered a massive trauma, from which it will take her a very long time to heal and will have difficulty trusting in the gender that she projects as her tormentor  The expectation would always be on the man, any man, to be sensitive to her with regards to her mistrust of sexual intimacy and allow her time to regain a trust that was so violently shattered.

It would be stupid to say this woman never wants to feel intimacy with a member of the opposite sex because of the way she responds to external stimuli at this very moment. Just because she recoils at touch now does not mean she never wants to be touched again. She just needs time, therapy and a patient person to be there to help her work through and resolve the matter of regaining trust. Even after all of that it will be an uphill battle.

This expectation only goes in one direction.

There’s a reason why i used rape as an analogy in my incel post. Because the effects of isolation and dehumanization are as traumatic and far reaching.

In a world where every woman wants her ReadyMadeMan™ right out of the box, where he leaves all his baggage at the curb, is absolutely confident, awesome and amazing in every way, 24 hours a day, without any problems of his own to prevent him from taking her on the wild adventure in her mind and life simultaneously thus providing her with the entitlement fantasy she’s yearned for since childhood in becoming either a fairy tale princess or being chosen by a thousand year old Vampire to become his Vampiress (of all the thousands of women he could choose over his lifetime)…

…well there’s no room in there for someone like me now is there.

While i’ve been in LIMBO, it came to me as an epiphany that i will never have a healthy relationship.


I’m too damaged and will not be given the opportunity to heal this wound or given time to regain trust. Perhaps it may have been possible when i was still blue pill. Not now.

It came to me when my friend invited me over to a gathering of her relatives. They all talked about me heading to Poland and picking up with a Polish girl to wife up, not fucked up in the head like those crazy ‘North American’ girls, etc.. and in the back of my mind i realized i’m too far gone. I have nothing to offer a non-crazy woman as they described.. because the experiences of the past and the sphere’s teaching to me have dissuaded me from becoming just another cog in the feminine imperative. I’m MGTOW. I’m not going to get married. I’m not going to have kids. And i’m too old. I’d need a minimum of 5 years with someone to get to feel that we were good together and that the relationship was solid and that she followed the Captain/First Officer model. That would make me 42-43 if i met her tomorrow. Sorry, i don’t want to be a dad after 40. And i’m not about to jump into a relationship just to be a dad 6 months later. No. No. NO.

But beyond that.. i can’t even have a ‘normal’ relationship with any woman.. especially here in North America. My defenses are always on high. My finger is always on the trigger. I’m ready to verbally murder a woman with redpill and manosphere knowledge at the very first sign of a woman behaving in even 1 degree of deviation from red pill thought. It’s why i recused myself from debating at Hooking Up Smart. The female imperative is my *trigger* alert.

Why? Read the rest of this entry ?