Posts Tagged ‘abortion’


Reproductive Slavery

June 13, 2013

Not my words..


From the Article

Now don’t get me wrong here.. i have no issue with Plan B. I have no moral opposition to it on any religious grounds (hold up hand… Atheist!). Might it encourage promiscuity? Who knows.. i see it as no different than regular birth control that’s already available for kids. It’s just another option.

But here’s the real reason why this caught my eye. Slavery is an apt term. We educate kids about using birth control because duh duh duh.. kids being kids, will find a way to have sex. They are biologically programmed to do it. We might use knowledge, education or boogeyman scare tactics to dissuade them from having sex.. but it will happen.

The pill was created as a means to not make women become mothers before they were ready, before their time.

So i have no moral disagreement with Plan B.

I want to know where is the male version of Plan B.

I want to know where men go to avoid being slaves of reproduction.

And i want to hear something other then.. “Keep it in your pants”. Because i will punch you in the fucking face if you do.

The article frames it as it’s shown in the photo above, i have taken the liberty to modify it as how it’s actually intended to be interpreted by them:

“If a young girl is sexually active, whether by choice or not, she should not be denied reproductive rights. She should be allowed to make timely reproductive decisions about her own body within the dictates of her religious and moral codes.

To deny young adolescents GIRLS ONLY access to medically necessary and proven care is essentially reproductive slavery.”

We don’t want to make girls slaves to the responsibilities of their own choices to have sex.

But men who chose to have sex and accidentally knock a girl up…


It’s a lifetime of child support for you, now get cracking SLAVE!



The light at the end of the tunnel. Reproductive equality.


Once more with feeling re: Abortion


I don’t think women care that much about mens concerns


Fully aware of the exact nature of the proposed sexual activity

January 9, 2013

That’s the language used. This shall become VERY interesting.

I have new stuff coming soon, but i couldn’t let this one pass up. No time to make a detailed post, just my emphasis in bold. The plot thickens…

Link Here

[update:] now that i have a little extra time to devote to this, to any new readers of this post i want them to fixate on this particular comment

“..only gave her consent for protected sex with the intention to avoid conception, the court qualified Hutchinson’s actions as sexual assault.”

and then consider this, this and this after you’ve read the Yahoo post. Comments welcome.

Craig Jaret Hutchinson who poked holes in girlfriend’s condoms loses court appeal

When their relationship started to go sour, Nova Scotian Craig Jaret Hutchinson decided a baby would heal the rift between him and his girlfriend.
There was a slight problem, however. His girlfriend didn’t want to have his child.
So when the Halifax woman learned she was pregnant in September 2006, she was “shocked.” Hutchinson, on the other hand, was thrilled.
He later confessed that he had poked holes in their condoms with a pin in order to intentionally get her pregnant.

Horrified, his girlfriend called the police. She later had an abortion and suffered a uterine infection as a result that had to be treated with antibiotics.
The 42-year-old man was charged with aggravated sexual assault. Though he was acquitted in 2009, the decision was overturned and after a subsequent retrial he was sentenced to 18 months in jail.
Hutchinson appealed the decision, as CBC notes, arguing that the sex was consensual and that his sentence was “harsh and excessive.”
His case went all the way to Nova Scotia’s Court of Appeal, which released a 4-1 majority decision on Thursday to uphold the sentence.
The moral questions involved in this case are clear: Hutchinson’s actions were appalling.
The legal questions, on the other hand, have sparked much debate.
As the National Post reports, Chief Justice Michael MacDonald articulated the majority court decision that the alleged victim must be “fully aware of the exact nature of the proposed sexual activity.”
Under the Canadian Criminal Code, sex without consent is considered assault. Because the woman — identified as N.S. to protect her identity — only gave her consent for protected sex with the intention to avoid conception, the court qualified Hutchinson’s actions as sexual assault.

The Court’s one dissenting voice, Justice David Farrar, expressed concern that this decision would create a “potential slippery slope” for women who stop taking birth control and get pregnant without their partner’s knowledge or consent.
“Expanding criminal liability in this way would represent a dramatic step backwards,” writes Justice Farrar.
However, Justice MacDonald countered that because pregnancy carries far greater consequences for the mother than the father, should the gender roles be reversed, the circumstances would not fit the same definition of assault.
It’s an argument that, while biologically correct, may not fully take into account the significant emotional and financial toll for the unwitting father of a child conceived under duplicitous circumstances.
On the other hand, the idea that men like Hutchinson may think they can legally get away with poking holes in condoms, potentially causing pregnancy or the spread of STDs, is a truly terrifying thought.
Meanwhile, Farrar’s dissenting opinion gives Hutchinson’s lawyer the option to take his case to the Supreme Court. So far no decision has been made in that regard.


There’s never was any hope for Humpty Dumpty

December 8, 2012

Let me ask you a question.

If a woman is raped.. how long does it take for her to get ‘back on the horse’ as it were? Does she get berated with things like

  • you’re really bitter and resentful about it
  • you gotta let it go if you want to move forward and find a good man
  • you’ll always be alone with that attitude
  • you’ll never get a man if you treat him as guilty from the start
  • your hate and mistrust will keep you from finding happiness

Does she?

I don’t think so. I think it’s common for everyone to put on their sensitivity cloaks and say yes.. this woman suffered a massive trauma, from which it will take her a very long time to heal and will have difficulty trusting in the gender that she projects as her tormentor  The expectation would always be on the man, any man, to be sensitive to her with regards to her mistrust of sexual intimacy and allow her time to regain a trust that was so violently shattered.

It would be stupid to say this woman never wants to feel intimacy with a member of the opposite sex because of the way she responds to external stimuli at this very moment. Just because she recoils at touch now does not mean she never wants to be touched again. She just needs time, therapy and a patient person to be there to help her work through and resolve the matter of regaining trust. Even after all of that it will be an uphill battle.

This expectation only goes in one direction.

There’s a reason why i used rape as an analogy in my incel post. Because the effects of isolation and dehumanization are as traumatic and far reaching.

In a world where every woman wants her ReadyMadeMan™ right out of the box, where he leaves all his baggage at the curb, is absolutely confident, awesome and amazing in every way, 24 hours a day, without any problems of his own to prevent him from taking her on the wild adventure in her mind and life simultaneously thus providing her with the entitlement fantasy she’s yearned for since childhood in becoming either a fairy tale princess or being chosen by a thousand year old Vampire to become his Vampiress (of all the thousands of women he could choose over his lifetime)…

…well there’s no room in there for someone like me now is there.

While i’ve been in LIMBO, it came to me as an epiphany that i will never have a healthy relationship.


I’m too damaged and will not be given the opportunity to heal this wound or given time to regain trust. Perhaps it may have been possible when i was still blue pill. Not now.

It came to me when my friend invited me over to a gathering of her relatives. They all talked about me heading to Poland and picking up with a Polish girl to wife up, not fucked up in the head like those crazy ‘North American’ girls, etc.. and in the back of my mind i realized i’m too far gone. I have nothing to offer a non-crazy woman as they described.. because the experiences of the past and the sphere’s teaching to me have dissuaded me from becoming just another cog in the feminine imperative. I’m MGTOW. I’m not going to get married. I’m not going to have kids. And i’m too old. I’d need a minimum of 5 years with someone to get to feel that we were good together and that the relationship was solid and that she followed the Captain/First Officer model. That would make me 42-43 if i met her tomorrow. Sorry, i don’t want to be a dad after 40. And i’m not about to jump into a relationship just to be a dad 6 months later. No. No. NO.

But beyond that.. i can’t even have a ‘normal’ relationship with any woman.. especially here in North America. My defenses are always on high. My finger is always on the trigger. I’m ready to verbally murder a woman with redpill and manosphere knowledge at the very first sign of a woman behaving in even 1 degree of deviation from red pill thought. It’s why i recused myself from debating at Hooking Up Smart. The female imperative is my *trigger* alert.

Why? Read the rest of this entry ?


Once more with feeling re: Abortion

June 18, 2012

Sometimes.. even when you’re having a great day getting shit done, being productive and generally being happy as a clam can come to a grinding halt.

So i’m at the Ford dealership waiting for my service to be done, and in come a torrent of emails from a thread over at Hooking Up Smart. I like to follow along to see what the female side of the equation thinks. In my hopes that my previous dust up and rebuttal might be a lone one-off, i always keep my fingers crossed that women will come together with men to right the wrongs and end certain injustices. This requires first and foremost an ability to recognize an injustice.

Maybe my faith was misplaced? Or maybe i’m wrong. Scroll down and read along and you tell me what you think at the end of it whether i’m off my rocker or whether i’m correct in feeling like my day just got shit on.

Quick sampling of comments in the Happy Fathers Day thread from HUS regarding abortion.

Read the rest of this entry ?


I don’t think women care that much about mens concerns

June 18, 2012

A fellow coworker of mine solidified that observation for me with this response regarding my posting up on Facebook the Double Standards‘ image from a previous post.

So true.

I believe this is an actual meme now.

I’ve been a tad bitter as of late for a multitude of reasons, most notably for having to come to terms with having been led on, manipulated and then rejected by an old ‘friend’ and then having to eviscerate a second attempt to put me back into the dreaded LJBF box. It’s left a sour taste in my mouth with regards to the thought process of women and how their interests must be served at all times to the exclusion of whats in our best interests.

Gimme all your relationship caring, emotional support, platonic friendship, but don’t even think of me sexually or i will punch you in the dick.

So it was with that frame of mind where I sort of lost it over at Hooking Up Smart when i decided to chime in on backing up the protestations of some guys that singing the platitudes of fathers will not exactly ingratiate single men to put the blinders back on and accept the obvious pitfalls and perils of what is modern marriage.

I had a quick spat with Susan over at HUS due to my foul mood, and while my tone certainly didn’t have to carry over to an ‘i hate all you fucking women‘ bent.. i wasn’t going to back down from my primary point. Aside from whatever world the viewers of HUS live in, it’s clear to me at least that they live in a tightly knit digital gated community. All of them, each and every one, may be sympathetic and champion the cause of men. But they would be the exception – not the rule.

A strange time we live in where you call the internet the Path to Truth and the real outside world the Matrix. These two planes of existence coexist in the same reality but are not connected to each other. What happens in here does not have a causal effect in the real world. Not yet anyways. Not when it comes to men’s issues.

If this were about women’s issues, you could be sure Oprah would be running specials on her new tv channel night and day to get it actioned on.

Prostate health.. what’s that?

In a close knit community where everyone speaks the same language, it’s quite easy to believe that your community is representative of the larger whole. We also call this way of thinking a delusion if it’s simply accepted without looking at the evidence to the contrary.

Read the rest of this entry ?