Archive for December, 2012


MSN Lifestyle Page.. Go Fuck Yourself

December 17, 2012

Wow. This just came across my desk and it begs for a rant.

Enjoy the drivel of someone really fucking stupid over at MSN writing out of his/her/it’s ass.

10 reasons for men to embrace marriage

From the article i will dissect numerous points.

Many men are a bit dismissive of the concept of marriage. To some of us, marriage is an institution designed to tie us down, break us in and lead us, like obedient donkeys, into a lifetime of domestic drudgery.

Just think of the language we use. Wives are trouble and strife, and marriage is a prison sentence.

And yet, if you’re with the right person and you’re at the right time of your life, a good marriage can be the solid foundation for everything you achieve in life. Here are 10 good reasons to embrace marriage.

Right person? Right time of life? Sorry, that boat has sailed. That train has left the station.

If you are an alpha and you find that one in a million girl.. yeah, marriage is great. ELSE it just turns into pigs flinging shit. There have been numerous discussions in the sphere lately all pointing to the same thing, women saying they don’t value marriage in the early years… so there’s no reason they will value it later, unless they’re hitting the wall. I’ll keep saying it till i’m blue in the face.. you don’t value something if the only reason you’re doing it is because you ran out of options/power.

Everything else written is correct. For most beta’s and some alpha’s the ball and chain metaphor applies. Do this, do that, do as i say you obedient little donkey.. ELSE marriage over and kiss you ass(ets) goodbye!

“She’ll be there when you need her, through good times and bad.”

“…but getting married means publicly agreeing to be there, for each other, for life. There’s a psychological permanence about marriage…”

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH! Read the rest of this entry ?


Do Women Have Any Game?

December 16, 2012
No.. not Al Bundy.

No.. not Al Bundy.

NightSkyRadio asked me this question in my Critics of Game part 1 post:

So, wouldn’t it have been better for the episode hadn’t wasted all that effort trying to shame and discredit guys trying to be more attractive to women, and maybe trying to teach, oh I don’t know, how to notice signs that someone is a serial killer or something?

Interesting question. We know that everyone has ‘instincts’ but most of the time we don’t follow through or we allow ourselves to be deceived openly because we want to be led astray and believe in something else, like that hot guy REALLY is interested in me as a person, in my ideas, my passions and goals and isn’t talking to me just because he wants to fuck me. Guys get that too thinking that smokin’ babe really LIKES me for me and not for my Ferrari Enzo. Strippers and cruel bitches call these guys marks. I guess guys should start calling women ‘prey’ to even it out.

Game teaches men how to be attractive and how to screen against red flags for poor behavior for commitment. Game is a tool and can also be used to chase and take advantage of sluts, but by and large, it’s real purpose is to teach men how to raise their value and to screen out poor women by getting them to qualify to you, to make them WANT to be with you. This facilitates a mans ability to make good choices for long term commitment partners. The ladder theory complements Game.

“Game” is reviled by women. Why? It does what it’s supposed to do and prevents naive beta’s from making the same mistakes over and over again.. allowing very attractive women from abusing them, taking advantage of them, letsjustbefriending them, gold digging them and cash&prizes divorcing them. This is a good thing no? Women are always saying ‘men fall for bitches’. Now we won’t! We’ll just fuck’em when we need to and trade’m up for the better cheaper property once the maintenance fees go up. One will only dare commit to a woman now who proves she isn’t some domineering, empowered, independent “I don’t need no man” bitch and actually adds VALUE to a mans life.

Bitches get used, qualified ladies will be treated accordingly. And beta’s cease being the reviled males you loathe. Win / Win right?

After all, we only hear over and over again how NiceGuys are just evil poor losers who can’t get laid (and deserve to stay celibate) because they’re playing nice. Game keeps them from playing nice.

So why would women be against it?

Further more, what is games equivalent for women? Were not talking about ‘girl game’ in how to pick up men. A pussy, pulse and pleasant demeanor is really all that’s required. [Are you listening you 4chan femcunts?] Girl game is simply being more feminine. The more feminine, the more attention, the more options. Girl game is all about making yourself more attractive (just like men’s game), but it carries none of the ability to screen for red flags.

So what is the female equivalent to GAME?
Read the rest of this entry ?


The Decline Has Painful Moments

December 14, 2012

Heard about the Connecticut shooting earlier. Over the course of the day it’s been eating at me.

Heard a lot of people make a lot of noise.

MRA’s blaming female society for generating killers of children.

Manboobs using comments to invalidate men’s concerns.

Gun advocates telling people they should have the right to carry military weapons.

Gun critics talking about useless legislation that won’t stop but rather empower criminals.

It’s all noise.

Nobody has answers.

Once we get the answers, they won’t make sense.

Answers will be meaningless.

Our society is getting sick. Toxic byproducts are now festering openly on the surface.

These are the hallmarks of a society ready to collapse.

A society on the decline, this is what it looks like.

Today is one day i can’t say i enjoy the decline.

There will be too many presents sitting under trees that won’t get opened on Christmas.


Open Letter To An Unnamed Woman

December 13, 2012

A fellow Torontonian shows much more restraint and understanding than i would. If she pulled that on me, she’d probably be waking up this week.

Remarkable restraint in the face of pure hatred.. dare i say pure evil. Kudos to him. This woman needs to be outted publicly. Holy hell i can’t even believe she holds any educational position at a revered institution such as U of T. Personally, i think ‘womens studies’ should be dismantled. You might as well have the KKK tenure there teaching racial and cultural tolerance classes.

22to28 :: Don't screw up

Dear Ma’am,

I’m pretty sure that you know who I am, as we recently met informally at an event where Warren Farrell was speaking. Just in case it has slipped your mind, we have our own Youtube video.

If you are reading this, I’d like to start out by saying the following: while it is hard for me to believe that you want it, I want you to know that you have my forgiveness. I don’t doubt for one moment that you meant everything that you said to me that night. I have no doubt that you intended to be as hurtful as possible. I’m not giving you a pass by assuming that you were having a bad moment or that you were overcome by emotion and said something you didn’t mean.

I know you meant what you said and that you probably still do. But, I forgive you regardless. I’m…

View original post 1,187 more words


To My Female Readers Who Support Feminism or Hookup Culture

December 12, 2012

I have been told i may have a few more female viewers than i thought by an little birdy that goes ‘whakawhakawhaka’ instead of tweet.

And i know some of my somewhat regular female readers who have posted here in the past on various topics, specifically wrt Sluts, Slut shaming, Carousel Riding and Casual Sex.

I want you to go read this post HERE and pay special attention to this quote here:

Feminism has done an amazing job of turning pussy into a commodity, not unlike internet bandwidth. I remember it used to cost me $10 per gigabyte over ten years ago to host a web site, but now it’s just a few cents. If a company today offered a hosting plan at 2002 prices, they would go out of business. Today you have many women pricing their pussy at 1960 levels when the current market value—in the form of a man’s cost per notch—is approaching $0. Too many girls are giving it away for free because it has become free.

…Relationships have more to do with economics than love. If the price of your current pussy fluctuates out of your favor, turn in your rental to get a different pussy that gives more value.

..and then tell me whether you are still proud of all feminism and it’s bastard spawn ‘hookup culture’ has wrought? You’ve reduced yourself to nothing more than Pumpkin futures! And Halloween is OVER!

And if you need any more lessons in market forces and economics.. let ol’ Cappy Cap here fill you in. It is his area of expertise!

“The price is based on what the market will bear.”


Awareness and Intent

December 11, 2012

I began my own blog mere hours after destroying an on again off again 17 year orbit around my own emotional vampire during summer earlier this year. Rollo brings excellent insight into why women do the LJBF routine, and what you as a man must recognize in order to break the cycle.



My good friend DJ Damage had an interesting question regarding last week’s post and the time-tested classic LJBF rejection:

Hey Rollo would you say that women consciously know what they are doing to their male friends?! I mean lets take the AFC out of the equation for a moment and focus on the women. When a woman lays the LJBF’s line on her “male friend” doesn’t she realises that this AFC who is standing before her wanted to fuck her for the longest time?! Doesn’t she see anything wrong with the fact that in her eyes its not ok for a man to reject the LJBF’s line yet its ok to string a man along, pepper him with false hopes and some physical contact and then be surprised (or act surprised) he may want more??!!

Or is it just to accept the fact that women are women and you…

View original post 1,130 more words


Critics of Game part 1

December 10, 2012

First off, big high five and thanks to Danny, resident of the 504 for giving me a surprise call on the weekend and chatting it up with me spur of the moment. It helped get me motivated to get out of my funk. On top of already having started to watch MindOS (again), he also gave me a homework assignment. A slight modification of what Private Man tells his audience to do.

Also i want people to understand the bipolar nature of my writing. There is one aspect of me that writes for myself, far removed from caring for this society or helping it’s continuance, and another that writes nostalgically about what i feel could have saved this society and what the newest generation (not my generation) are required to grok in order to keep it from death spiraling towards a point where you don’t take turning on the lights for granted. While i’d like to see the world get better, it won’t be me doing the heavy lifting cupcake. I’m out!


Shortly after my incel post, i was tracking stats of where page hits were coming from and i found some ‘opponents’ to which i started writing out a huge response that, par for the course, ballooned into War & Peace. I decided to make this seperate from that because i don’t want you guys taking a bathroom break during reading, since there’s a lot of links and stuff between the two. So i start with the smaller post using more recent (and better written stuff by other folks first) 🙂

Last night i was going to do a random post based on an episode of Criminal Minds i caught yesterday, but it dovetailed perfectly with stuff Vox and Badger have written so i’ll just create one big delicious layer cake here.

First read this funny little bit of real life.

This was what reminded me of the episode of Criminal Minds. Season 4 episode 9. The title of the episode was called “PickUp”

It would be best if you watched the whole episode for yourself but i can’t find any links to it on YouTube or any other media sites so you’ll have to use ‘other’ means for yourself. Arrrr be careful when sailin’ the digital seas matey.

Anyways. Here’s a dirty summation. Read the rest of this entry ?


There’s never was any hope for Humpty Dumpty

December 8, 2012

Let me ask you a question.

If a woman is raped.. how long does it take for her to get ‘back on the horse’ as it were? Does she get berated with things like

  • you’re really bitter and resentful about it
  • you gotta let it go if you want to move forward and find a good man
  • you’ll always be alone with that attitude
  • you’ll never get a man if you treat him as guilty from the start
  • your hate and mistrust will keep you from finding happiness

Does she?

I don’t think so. I think it’s common for everyone to put on their sensitivity cloaks and say yes.. this woman suffered a massive trauma, from which it will take her a very long time to heal and will have difficulty trusting in the gender that she projects as her tormentor  The expectation would always be on the man, any man, to be sensitive to her with regards to her mistrust of sexual intimacy and allow her time to regain a trust that was so violently shattered.

It would be stupid to say this woman never wants to feel intimacy with a member of the opposite sex because of the way she responds to external stimuli at this very moment. Just because she recoils at touch now does not mean she never wants to be touched again. She just needs time, therapy and a patient person to be there to help her work through and resolve the matter of regaining trust. Even after all of that it will be an uphill battle.

This expectation only goes in one direction.

There’s a reason why i used rape as an analogy in my incel post. Because the effects of isolation and dehumanization are as traumatic and far reaching.

In a world where every woman wants her ReadyMadeMan™ right out of the box, where he leaves all his baggage at the curb, is absolutely confident, awesome and amazing in every way, 24 hours a day, without any problems of his own to prevent him from taking her on the wild adventure in her mind and life simultaneously thus providing her with the entitlement fantasy she’s yearned for since childhood in becoming either a fairy tale princess or being chosen by a thousand year old Vampire to become his Vampiress (of all the thousands of women he could choose over his lifetime)…

…well there’s no room in there for someone like me now is there.

While i’ve been in LIMBO, it came to me as an epiphany that i will never have a healthy relationship.


I’m too damaged and will not be given the opportunity to heal this wound or given time to regain trust. Perhaps it may have been possible when i was still blue pill. Not now.

It came to me when my friend invited me over to a gathering of her relatives. They all talked about me heading to Poland and picking up with a Polish girl to wife up, not fucked up in the head like those crazy ‘North American’ girls, etc.. and in the back of my mind i realized i’m too far gone. I have nothing to offer a non-crazy woman as they described.. because the experiences of the past and the sphere’s teaching to me have dissuaded me from becoming just another cog in the feminine imperative. I’m MGTOW. I’m not going to get married. I’m not going to have kids. And i’m too old. I’d need a minimum of 5 years with someone to get to feel that we were good together and that the relationship was solid and that she followed the Captain/First Officer model. That would make me 42-43 if i met her tomorrow. Sorry, i don’t want to be a dad after 40. And i’m not about to jump into a relationship just to be a dad 6 months later. No. No. NO.

But beyond that.. i can’t even have a ‘normal’ relationship with any woman.. especially here in North America. My defenses are always on high. My finger is always on the trigger. I’m ready to verbally murder a woman with redpill and manosphere knowledge at the very first sign of a woman behaving in even 1 degree of deviation from red pill thought. It’s why i recused myself from debating at Hooking Up Smart. The female imperative is my *trigger* alert.

Why? Read the rest of this entry ?