Posts Tagged ‘women’


Attaining Respect in a Man’s World

December 9, 2013

Really quick post.

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Today’s Google Doodle is of the esteemed Grace Hopper.

My ego is not so fragile that i cannot point out when a woman does great things in the field of men and outperforms me. She had a gift and utilized it to it’s fullest potential. I cannot take offense at it any more than i could take offense at Mario Lemieux being able to score more goals than me in the NHL if in some alternate reality i could have made the NHL.

She earned the respect and admiration of her peers not by being a loud mouthed pushy bossy bitch, but by actually being adept in her field and performing at the same level or greater than her male colleagues.

I tried computer programming. It bored the be-jesus out of me. By all rights, Grace surpassed me and many other men by leaps and bounds in terms of knowledge and determination to apply it. She earns not only my respect, but admiration for doing things i cannot, and for working as hard as she did to make it into the Navy.

Just because one can do it, does not mean all are capable of the same.

What i take away from this story is that when women come along that truly want to play in a man’s world, and do so because they absolutely want to (not told to), because they have the skill and ability (not the handicap/affirmative action), and because they want to serve their fellow man/humanity (instead of their own short sighted, short term interest of showing up men), then those women will get the respect and accolades deserving of as any man would.

Grace was a rarity. I honor her achievement and females like her because they worked hard and had unique gifts they shared for the betterment of society like most men typically do. Feminists like to pretend that men do not give credit to women, and this is bullshit. We do give credit and praise when a woman competes on a man’s level and achieves based on merit. Work like a man, achieve like a man, earn respect like a man, you will be appreciated like a man.

No favoritism. No exemptions. No lowering of standards. No affirmative action. No quotas. No female privilege.

It’s just that it’s not very common that gifted women like Grace come around, and it’s disingenuous to pretend that every woman wants to/can be like her.

She was an outlier ( are you paying attention Sophia? 😛 ) and harbored a gift in math. Most woman are not/do not. The statistics bear this out time and again. As the lovely Caroline argued in her post and her comment section HERE, women simply do not flock to these fields because more often than not, it simply DOES. NOT. APPEAL. TO. THEM.


Because they simply aren’t wired that way.

Women pushed into STEM fields abandon them quickly, not because of patriarchy.. but because it simply goes against their evolved nature. This isn’t a conspiracy, it’s reality. The delightful oddballs are the ones that thrive within a “man’s world”. We shouldn’t feel compelled to drive all women into these fields to ‘equalize’ the numbers. It would be folly to try. Only those that naturally want to should attempt it.

Grace, I commend you and your accomplishments and i recognize you for the outlier that you were.


Related: What happens to companies when you let womyn in based not on ability but on quota. What happens when you give spots to unqualified ‘equality outcome’ whores.


The Good that Women Can Do

November 5, 2013

My last few posts have been about goody goody girl and relationship stuff. I’m about to go back into the darker, harder hitting stuff about vapid woman, sluts, retarded feminists and entitled attitudes. So before i start launching the invective i thought i’d do a send off for all the great things that women can be and are capable of.

This is mainly a Thank You page to all the women who affect my life in a positive way whether they know it or not.


To the 2 paramedic EMT’s, both women, who tended to me while i was scaring the hell out of my workout partner with my heart rate dropping to danger territory syncope episode. Very professional, and pleasant. I immensely enjoyed having some mildly flirtatious moments with the one who took my blood sugar reading. Cute latina type. Even tho she had seen me crash from a BP of 75 down to 30 in a manner of a few seconds during my episode, i played the whole incident off as nothing more than a mild annoyance to me without a hint of danger. Like the black knight saying losing all 4 appendages was a mere flesh wound.

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1 in 3 would give up sex for food? I call BS

July 8, 2012

And of course.. i’m right.

The banner headline of this story is about as full of shit as can be. One need only get to the 3rd paragraph to see the fine print:

“…a collaborative effort by and — 39 per cent of women said they’d choose food over sex, while only 16 per cent of single men would sacrifice sex for food.”

I won’t even get into the 16 percent figure for men. I cannot believe in that statement. They’re either morbidly obese and have given up all hope, gay or have been drinking too much water laced with Bisphenol A.

So let’s look specifically at the female side of the equation. 39%.


4 out of 10 women view sex in such a lackluster way that they would choose to eat a fucking piece of fat inducing chocolate rather than enjoy sex.

I have no clue if this study is a reflection of women across the globe or simply North America. But by god, i have to assume at the moment this disease is confined to the shores of North America which is why the whole notion of expatting to find women who enjoy having sex with men more than eating a tub of Häagen-Dazs is gaining traction.

Not tonight dear.. pass me the Twinkies.

From the article:

Why is sex so easily sacrificed — if only theoretically?

“People often say things like they’d pick money or sleep or food over sex,” sex therapist Ian Kerner “I think this shows that people take sex for granted, or that they’re not enjoying sex enough to really value it appropriately.”

Perhaps if women actually dated men who wanted to please them vs. just use them for a quick in and out pump n dump, they wouldn’t be so quick to put off sex for an AERO bar to feel the sensation of chocolate bubbles melting rather than the sensation of a mind altering orgasm.

And it gets worse..

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The light at the end of the tunnel. Reproductive equality.

June 22, 2012

The Fempocalypse is upon us folks.. the ability to own your destiny is at hand. Reproductive rights for men within sight!

For too long men have been subject to the whims of women determining the fates of men and using the power of the state to compel men to become parents before they are ready. Women have held the aces since the dawn of the pill and Roe vs. Wade. Women’s casual promiscuity up until then carried real consequences for abdicating their roles as the ultimate gatekeepers. They had the final say in whether sex took place or not because they carried the burden of pregnancy. The pill alleviated it to allow for near risk free fucking. Legalized abortion was the get out of jail free card.

As i stated before in my previous post regarding abortion feminism fought for the rights of women to avoid the natural consequences of sex and allowed women to escape a possible life of hardship or broken dreams by siring a child when ill prepared. It did not matter that women inherently know the ultimate burden fell on them, they wanted the right to fuck like men and enjoy sex wantonly, to which i have no problem with (if you’re giving it up, i wan’t some). Women’s evolutionary roles of guarding the gates and screening only for the best mate for genes, resource gathering and sticking around to provide and protect the offspring went the way of the 8-track and floppy disks because the evolutionary consequence of sex (having something grow inside you for 9 months) were wiped off the risk chart with a thick blob of liquid paper.

Pregnant? What do you mean? I’m a girl.. i can’t get pregnant! Thank god for feminism!

But when the tables are turned, there is no end to the amount of man up shaming and take responsibility for your kid rhetoric that comes towards a man who is following his evolutionary drive to ‘fuck like a man‘. Remember, this is a man’s primary purpose in biology, since the dawn of our species his role has been to fuck and carry his genes forward and continue his lineage. The fact that our evolution of society has outpaced our evolution caveman biology is the only reason we are in the shit state that we are in. It is our societal and cultural evolution that shames men for acting on our primary programming.

Women are encouraged to fuck freely, cast of the shackles of patriarchal sexual oppression and liberate their vagina’s to explore as many cocks as possible. And i wouldn’t mind, so long as i get a piece of that action 🙂 but the killer here is that women in today’s culture are cast as empowered and the hero of the story. Women are supposed to enjoy all the fruits of being a healthy sexual being unencumbered and uninhibited. It’s Sex and the City on steroids.

Contrast that in sharp relief to what men deal with today. Those fortunate enough to be in the top percentile  of the Pareto_principle who have women throwing themselves on their cocks feast on it, the rest live in suffering silence, a sexual drought. Yet all men are cast in the same light. “All men think with their dicks” they say. “Men are just horndogs, you should want a woman for her brains, not just her pussy” they say. “All they ever want is sex, disgusting animals all of them are” they say. One might say this is projection at it’s absolute zenith.

Yohami writes an absolutely wonderful evisceration of this kind of thinking here with regards to approach anxiety.

“Men are trained to be ashamed of their sexual desires.”


“It’s interesting that in comparison, women are trained that they should be put on a pedestal, and to take care of their “apparent” sexual desire, to look more slutty or more chaste… Or, I dont think I have heard a “woman, you should be ashamed of your sexual desires”.

So this all comes back full circle. Women want to behave like men and have all the options to avoid the responsibility that comes with those actions, but men acting as men do naturally, well that’s criminal.

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