Posts Tagged ‘equality’


Attaining Respect in a Man’s World

December 9, 2013

Really quick post.

Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 12.20.52 PM

Today’s Google Doodle is of the esteemed Grace Hopper.

My ego is not so fragile that i cannot point out when a woman does great things in the field of men and outperforms me. She had a gift and utilized it to it’s fullest potential. I cannot take offense at it any more than i could take offense at Mario Lemieux being able to score more goals than me in the NHL if in some alternate reality i could have made the NHL.

She earned the respect and admiration of her peers not by being a loud mouthed pushy bossy bitch, but by actually being adept in her field and performing at the same level or greater than her male colleagues.

I tried computer programming. It bored the be-jesus out of me. By all rights, Grace surpassed me and many other men by leaps and bounds in terms of knowledge and determination to apply it. She earns not only my respect, but admiration for doing things i cannot, and for working as hard as she did to make it into the Navy.

Just because one can do it, does not mean all are capable of the same.

What i take away from this story is that when women come along that truly want to play in a man’s world, and do so because they absolutely want to (not told to), because they have the skill and ability (not the handicap/affirmative action), and because they want to serve their fellow man/humanity (instead of their own short sighted, short term interest of showing up men), then those women will get the respect and accolades deserving of as any man would.

Grace was a rarity. I honor her achievement and females like her because they worked hard and had unique gifts they shared for the betterment of society like most men typically do. Feminists like to pretend that men do not give credit to women, and this is bullshit. We do give credit and praise when a woman competes on a man’s level and achieves based on merit. Work like a man, achieve like a man, earn respect like a man, you will be appreciated like a man.

No favoritism. No exemptions. No lowering of standards. No affirmative action. No quotas. No female privilege.

It’s just that it’s not very common that gifted women like Grace come around, and it’s disingenuous to pretend that every woman wants to/can be like her.

She was an outlier ( are you paying attention Sophia? 😛 ) and harbored a gift in math. Most woman are not/do not. The statistics bear this out time and again. As the lovely Caroline argued in her post and her comment section HERE, women simply do not flock to these fields because more often than not, it simply DOES. NOT. APPEAL. TO. THEM.


Because they simply aren’t wired that way.

Women pushed into STEM fields abandon them quickly, not because of patriarchy.. but because it simply goes against their evolved nature. This isn’t a conspiracy, it’s reality. The delightful oddballs are the ones that thrive within a “man’s world”. We shouldn’t feel compelled to drive all women into these fields to ‘equalize’ the numbers. It would be folly to try. Only those that naturally want to should attempt it.

Grace, I commend you and your accomplishments and i recognize you for the outlier that you were.


Related: What happens to companies when you let womyn in based not on ability but on quota. What happens when you give spots to unqualified ‘equality outcome’ whores.


Is it Fair?

January 21, 2013


Don’t shoot me, i’m just the messenger…

So i had a back and forth comment session with my friend Audi (the audacious amateur blogger) and it something occurred to me.

I’m conflicted.

See, i’ll share a little secret. I like her (shhhhh)

At it’s core lies this problem. She’s worried about spherian mentality about “The Wall” and “The Number” and natural consequences of actions. Part of my latent beta wants to don the suit of plate mail, climb the white horse and protect her as my conditioning under the the rules of GirlWorld commands me to. And another part of me, that itchy burning area of my rectum where the RedPill currently resides is telling me fuck it.. actions have consequences, take it like a man. Derrrrp.

This is a case of going before the judge and pleading that you didn’t know that pissing into the town square water fountain was a crime because there were no warning signs posted.. to which the judge harrumphs “IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE” and slams the gavel down and chucks a hefty leather-bound book at you.

She has/had the same problem i did some 18 years ago… it’s called Naivete.


adjective \nä-ˈēv, nī-\

1: marked by unaffected simplicity :artless, ingenuous
2a: deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment; especially:credulous
b : not previously subjected to experimentation or a particular experimental situation <made the test with naive rats>;

Is it harsh to be judged and convicted for things done when you were simply following what you thought was the properly laid out doctrine to follow? Yes, yes it is. Especially if the rules you followed were crafted by a society that began an experiment to see if human behavior was indeed a social construct through conditioning and behavioral modification instead of something deeper and more innate… primal. And if it were the latter that was found to be the truth, could leeway be given to avoid the consequences of those actions done under sincere misguidance?

It’s something i wrestle with, because as a decent guy and human being, i wouldn’t want to see what i feel is an obvious good but naive kid who simply followed the path that was allowed for by this current society (a society i do wish to see at the bottom of Davey Jones locker btw) having to accept the consequences and punishment of our now evolved and well informed spherian understanding of a woman’s N and the cruelty of The Wall.

Yet one need only read this (which you probably already have) to realize that i myself, and untold countless millions of others have indeed already paid the loftiest price for being naive. The judges are still at it to this very day with the public trials of NiceGuys™ in the street, listening to the mobs yelling for the Jezebel executioner to throw the level and pull the floor out from under the condemned for their naive nature.

Is it fair that one side is made to suffer full consequences while the other gets a reprieve solely due to gender and timing?

Read the rest of this entry ?


Fully aware of the exact nature of the proposed sexual activity

January 9, 2013

That’s the language used. This shall become VERY interesting.

I have new stuff coming soon, but i couldn’t let this one pass up. No time to make a detailed post, just my emphasis in bold. The plot thickens…

Link Here

[update:] now that i have a little extra time to devote to this, to any new readers of this post i want them to fixate on this particular comment

“..only gave her consent for protected sex with the intention to avoid conception, the court qualified Hutchinson’s actions as sexual assault.”

and then consider this, this and this after you’ve read the Yahoo post. Comments welcome.

Craig Jaret Hutchinson who poked holes in girlfriend’s condoms loses court appeal

When their relationship started to go sour, Nova Scotian Craig Jaret Hutchinson decided a baby would heal the rift between him and his girlfriend.
There was a slight problem, however. His girlfriend didn’t want to have his child.
So when the Halifax woman learned she was pregnant in September 2006, she was “shocked.” Hutchinson, on the other hand, was thrilled.
He later confessed that he had poked holes in their condoms with a pin in order to intentionally get her pregnant.

Horrified, his girlfriend called the police. She later had an abortion and suffered a uterine infection as a result that had to be treated with antibiotics.
The 42-year-old man was charged with aggravated sexual assault. Though he was acquitted in 2009, the decision was overturned and after a subsequent retrial he was sentenced to 18 months in jail.
Hutchinson appealed the decision, as CBC notes, arguing that the sex was consensual and that his sentence was “harsh and excessive.”
His case went all the way to Nova Scotia’s Court of Appeal, which released a 4-1 majority decision on Thursday to uphold the sentence.
The moral questions involved in this case are clear: Hutchinson’s actions were appalling.
The legal questions, on the other hand, have sparked much debate.
As the National Post reports, Chief Justice Michael MacDonald articulated the majority court decision that the alleged victim must be “fully aware of the exact nature of the proposed sexual activity.”
Under the Canadian Criminal Code, sex without consent is considered assault. Because the woman — identified as N.S. to protect her identity — only gave her consent for protected sex with the intention to avoid conception, the court qualified Hutchinson’s actions as sexual assault.

The Court’s one dissenting voice, Justice David Farrar, expressed concern that this decision would create a “potential slippery slope” for women who stop taking birth control and get pregnant without their partner’s knowledge or consent.
“Expanding criminal liability in this way would represent a dramatic step backwards,” writes Justice Farrar.
However, Justice MacDonald countered that because pregnancy carries far greater consequences for the mother than the father, should the gender roles be reversed, the circumstances would not fit the same definition of assault.
It’s an argument that, while biologically correct, may not fully take into account the significant emotional and financial toll for the unwitting father of a child conceived under duplicitous circumstances.
On the other hand, the idea that men like Hutchinson may think they can legally get away with poking holes in condoms, potentially causing pregnancy or the spread of STDs, is a truly terrifying thought.
Meanwhile, Farrar’s dissenting opinion gives Hutchinson’s lawyer the option to take his case to the Supreme Court. So far no decision has been made in that regard.


On Cheating

October 23, 2012

Super quick post.

Here’s a Shine article called 12 Surprising Facts About Cheating [link]

I’m only going to address a few of these very quickly and let you guys ponder the rest. Let me say that i do not endorse cheating in any way shape or form, it’s for cowards. End it and move on.

Having said that.. let me tackle a few of these 12 points.

Fact #1: Most men are still in love with their wives when they cheat.

Who knew? Doug1 was right when he long made the contention on HUS that when a man seeks out another woman, he can still be in love with the wife/s.o. and is just having sex for the sake of sex (slaking lust), not for emotional bonding, partnership, intimacy or pair bonding of any kind. Women are unable to do so. When a woman cheats, she is firmly DONE with the husband, in her mind, heart and soul. Push casual sex while single aside for a moment, when a woman has sex outside of her committed relationship with a man, that poor shlep will NEVER be number #1 in her eyes ever again. She may even still have some feelings for him, but it is doomed from that moment onward.

My friend who consoled me after my marriage ended told me:

“Men have many rooms in their heart which can be occupied by many women at the same time, but only one gets to live in the penthouse with you. Women only have 1 room in their heart, and if they find someone else to occupy it, your shit is out in the streets and you are never getting back in.

This corroborates all my anecdotal experiences.

Next we have a 3 part answer to one question really..

Fact #7: A wife often knows her husband’s cheating.
Fact #8: A couple will never work it out when the husband is in the midst of an affair.
Fact #9: Affairs can often fix a marriage.

This one should be self evident to anyone who lives in the sphere AND understand that this only applies to ALPHA men. Do you think any of these ‘facts’ would be raised if the man were a beta shmuck? Hell no. If poor lonely Beta getting sex only once a year accidentally found game or actually hit it off enough with someone to have an affair with, none of this would apply. He’d be served divorce papers faster than the Flash. A wife will only know of her husbands cheating (and tolerate it) if he is supremely alpha and she can accept the harem. They will never work it out whilst he is having the affair, but she is the one who will actively try and ‘make it work’. And an affair can ONLY fix a marriage if the man has options to leave and has used the affair as as the ultimate dread “look what i can do” tactic to keep a woman in line.

If he was beta, he’d be reading a notice on the front door with the locks changed to his house and a warrant out for his arrest for ‘abuse’.

Fact #12: The wife’s not to blame if her husband cheats on her.

Very true. As i said i don’t approve of cheating and would rather honesty prevail. Just terminate the relationship and move on. However, this one holds a key phrase in here that reminds me very much of what Dalrock has been musing about often as of late. Here’s the passage:

“Realize this: If your husband is unfaithful, it’s not your fault, no matter what people say. “When a man cheats, he’s making a conscious choice to do it,” says Dr. Brosh. “The idea of being pushed into the arms of another woman is an expression, not a reality.

The next time i read about a poor Christian (or secular) woman being ‘driven’ into the arms of another man for him failing to live up to some romantasized unrealistic and unreachable romcom romance drama flaming heart-throb sweep her off her feet continual courtship dancing former carousel riding saved slut cum wife…


… shoot me.


Sexbots. Rise of the Boners!

July 19, 2012

Thanks to Leap of Beta for inadvertently coining the title of this post.

Skynet did not become self aware and start a nuclear war on August 4, 1997 because of Cyberdyne Systems as predicted in James Camerons first two Terminator films.

Skynet did not become self aware on July 25, 2004 due to the US military’s Cyber Research Systems Division taking control of all computers planet wide and starting a nuclear war as promised in T3: Rise of the Machines.

But the future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.

And oh what a fate we are making!

Ok.. so we’re not there yet.

I find the idea quite amusing.

After reading an awesome piece over at Heartiste today about how the current of free high quality porn is slowly erasing mens dependency on women, and how sexbots would completely remove it (thus creating the paradox of abundance mentality and turning every guy into an aloof alpha).. i got to thinking about something i wrote about a while back in a post about double standards.

When Heartiste drew the parallels between male and female equivalence of modern supernormal stimuli, it made me think once again about certain inequalities.

Most all supernormal stimuli for males is equated with negativity, reviled and loathed, things to be abhorred and shunned. The female version is accepted, rejoiced, embraced and exalted as wonderful past times.

Male = bad. Female = good.

Once again it is women who hold all the aces. The things that bring them happiness, are out in the open for all to see as they bask in their inanity and self absorption, dragging us along for the ride on the stupid train. How stupid? Heartiste answers that quibble resoundingly:

Answer: 50 Shades of Gray, tabloids, Facebook, OkCupid, pulp romance novels, pretty much everything on TV, high glycemic carbs.

All that garbage, out in the open, perfectly fine, ok, accepted.

Yet when a man wants to hit his super-dooper-kala-si-fric-normal stimuli by checking out some tantalizing female flesh, if he doesn’t have tight game, still in the blue pill world, stuck in a sexless marriage or given up all hope, he must either crawl into a dimly lit den with purple lights for fear of being recognized, or hide in the shadows while ordering porn online (or downloading it like a Pirate arrrrr) and do his business in the warm afterglow of a computer monitor. Remember, his stimuli is BAD.

Into the pr0n again eh’

So what would be the ultimate BAD stimuli? Well a woman that fucked and sucked on command, while giving you eyes and asking you to blow a load in her mouth, and then asked you how your day was, maybe even make you a sandwich? And she didn’t do it with a hint of anger, frustration or resentment. Each and every day, would look at you longingly and lovingly and do everything possible to make your day just a little brighter and happier than the last.

And hope you don’t have to reboot her after leaving her on for a week. Self cleaning model’s would be a luxury option.

Enter the Sexbot.

Now before you call me a misogynist, I want you to think about this next puzzle long and hard. What has feminism fought and striven for to allow women to do since it’s inception? I’m sure most of you have said ‘Be irresponsible blithering dolts” and i’d be hard pressed to argue that.. but no. What they wanted right out of the gate and have pretty much achieved through changes to laws, government involvement, wealth transfers, relaxing of standards, education, indoctrination and social attitudes is this…


Read the rest of this entry ?


The Revenge of the Few Extra Pounders

July 15, 2012

Regular reader ‘Stormy’ sent me one of those ‘funny’ ecards that float around the interwebz every now and again along with a stirring question.

“WTF all the fat chicks keep reposting this.”

Good question Stormy. I already answered for you but i’ll delve in deeper as to the why.. and also why it’s so horribly ineffective as ‘a joke’.

Firstly, it’s important to understand possible motive. It boils itself down to a self defense mechanism. The angry victim wants to strike back. There was a time many moons ago when i was not in shape, or popular. I had my own cohort of tormenters ready to pick on me. If you’re being constantly harassed, it’s easier to create a fault in your tormenter and focus on it, rather than look inward and see whether your harasser has a valid point, albeit presenting that point very poorly. And even then, your harasser is just that.. and individual, not a society or class of people. Sometimes people forget this.


Because it’s simply an easier way of dehumanizing their real or perceived abusers. The only way you feel better is by finding or creating out of thin air, something wrong about who you think is holding you down, projecting it over everyone who fits that type per-emptively and making fun of them to build yourself up as being morally, ethically or genuinely superior, especially by adding in the God bit at the end of it. I mean, if God is on your side, how could you possibly be in the wrong? God had to divvy between awesome looks and awesome personality, so it must suck to be a hottie when the big girls have all that awesomeness unto themselves.

But where this one fails horribly is this… i have never found a girl to be hysterical. Funny yes, but not hysterical. If they laughed at my jokes, then they were awesome. Brilliant? I’ve met girls much smarter than me. I like smart girls. I think it’s a great bonus if i could talk about philosophy or current events and not worry about them forgetting to change the oil in the car or put a peanut butter sandwich in the Bluray player. Smarts are great, oversmart not so much. Brilliance is in the eye of the beholder and if played poorly, it becomes a negative trait in the blink of an eye. BUT it was never was my primary interest for wanting to hookup with a woman. I’m a LOOKS first, ask questions late type of guy.

So that slogan really doesn’t do anything, ANYTHING to help their cause and only reaffirms that size 2 women are the type to be around. The careful wordplay tries to make it sound like an insult, like size 2 women are stupid and unsociable. If only the land whales posting these slogan cards actually understood gender properly. This is intrasexual competition at it’s finest. They know that in the looks department they are woefully handicapped in the mate selection department. They’re basically holding the door while the pretty ones get first dibs. They’re pissed. So instead of either:

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Equality. Honouring the 3%

July 9, 2012


Just wow.

Although this story is fairly old, it still shows that a man doing the mundane is expected, when a woman does it, it’s a celebration (link).

City Honors Female Garbage Collectors

When you think of a sanitation worker — riding on a garbage truck and dumping trash can after trash can — most people would picture a big, tough guy in their minds. But out of 7,000 uniformed city workers nicknamed “the strongest,” 200 of them are women. In honor of women’s history month, the department celebrated some of the the first females to suit up in green.

Hmmmm… let’s do some quick math shall we? Math was never my strong suit but i’ll give’r a shot.

[glad i rechecked.. almost posted up the wrong number. ouch.]

7000 / 200 * 100 = 2.85%

10 collectors in this pic. 1 is a woman. 10%. This pic is 7% off reality.

This story takes place in New York. Now i don’t have labor statistics for the City of Toronto, the GTA or outlying burroughs, but what i do have is keen eyesight enough to tell me i have NEVER seen one woman picking up the curbside refuse, litter and detritus. Cool words huh.

Now i’m not here to harp on the 3% of women doing this. I actually think they should be commended, tho i believe all the collectors should get honored, not just the women. They’re all performing the same duty right?

But in the name of equality what in Sam Hill is going on? I thought women wanted 50% of every job (instead of dominating the safer positions)? I thought they would be lining up to collect trash and heave bins into the trucks like men. I thought anything a man could do, so could women… ONLY BETTER! 

Turns out they only want the glamorous ones, the easy ones, the ones that will put them in a position to be noticed.

Still, all the above gives me more reason to respect the 3%. Who knows.. maybe they DO deserve special recognition, for going so far beyond their sistah’s in terms of trying to attain true equality rather than just pay it bullshit lip service. I guess women should be proud to have other women joining the ranks of men in the proud service of keeping our cities garbage, disease and pestilence free right?

Someone should have given this woman the memo (link): From YAHOO answers. [emphasis mine]

Best Answer – Chosen by Voters

The number of women holding university qualifications has overtaken men for the first time, according to figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The ABS found that 28 percent of Generation X and Y women (i.e. aged between 20 and 39) held a bachelor degree or higher in 2006, 7 percent more than men in the same age bracket. Each generation holds more academic qualifications than the last, making Generations X and Y the most highly educated on record.
Women go out of their way to gain higher education so they aren’t stuck with jobs like ‘garbage man’. Given a choice who would want to pick up rubbish for a living?

Yes you fabulous 3% ladies.. your job is rubbish. So says this dumb moistened bint.

Yes indeed why? We wouldn’t want to see history repeat itself would we? Equality. I say.. I say… Foghorn Leghorn wants to know what it’s good for?
Someone please call the coroner and let them know the Patriarchy™ is dead and awaiting pickup in the back ally.
[update: looks like the post will have to be renamed 3% to 1%… i was just going by old NYC figures.. looks like the national rate is actually much worse, but why am i not surprised?]

Fat Acceptance. I didn’t get it.. so why should you?

July 5, 2012

Funny how it goes.

When i was fat and out of shape.. all the girls didn’t pay any attention to me, nor did they care. It wasn’t acceptable then. (Nor did it matter when i was skinny with no muscles, or when i was too beta.. but those are for another day)

Now that Game has flipped the script, and MGTOW won’t tolerate women who don’t bother to keep a healthy weight or appearance… we have the fad of ‘Fat Acceptance’ springing up like Krispy Kreme outlets in the early 2000’s.

Where was the love from my fellow womenfolk when i had a gut? Where was NAAFA?

I’m one of the last people to harp on others for the way they look. My motto is ‘do no harm’. People go through enough crap in their lives.. i don’t need to pile on to it. But i do preach to people to change what they can, fuck the rest. I don’t ask people to get cosmetic surgery to look beautiful. But controlling your weight isn’t rocket science. It’s simple discipline and self control, and a little movement here and there.

Yet.. you are asking me to ACCEPT a very backwards idea.

You are asking me to accept that you simply do not want to put in the effort to get healthy and shed weight. And by effort i don’t mean choosing a low-fat dressing to go on your KFC chicken salad or chewing on ‘flax seed’ bars or having a diet cola with your Big Mac.

You’re asking me to accept that you wish to remain in an unhealthy state that will cost everyone else down the road.

If you want to remain that way and then by all means eat another McDonald’s OREO pie, be my guest. I won’t make fun of you for being obese. I was there once, and ridiculed for it mercilessly (by women i might add) so my humility becomes me.

Yes folks.. that’s not a type-o. OREO baked pies.

But i won’t be attracted to you either. Most other folk wont too. And you can’t expect them to get over that. Attraction goes beyond ‘what’s on the inside’. Initial attraction is SKIN DEEP. Don’t tell me i’m shallow for not wanting to to be intimate with an overweight woman.

And while we’re at it, if you’re not willing to put in the effort required to get healthy then:
[updated list with links]

To round out this post, i just want to link to a comment from over at HUS that the great Obsidian pointed to in regards to hard truths women have been denied because no one will discuss it to them. The lies of feminism telling both boys and girls to ‘be yourself, accept your body, love who you are and someone will love you too’ was immolated by this comment from a female who sees the lies for what they were. You can read the comment here.

Fat doesn’t have to be mocked, there’s no reason to make a persons life harder. But it doesn’t have to be accepted either. I don’t have to make fun of you, but don’t sit there and expect me be attracted to something i can’t get it up for. That’s not a design flaw in me.

Shit like this doesn’t help:

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Reverse the genders of a story and what do you see?

June 28, 2012

Pictured: Engaged cheerleading coach, 22, ‘who performed sex act on teen basketball player in her car’

Pictures have emerged showing the cheerleading coach accused of performing oral sex on a 17-year-old student kissing her fiance and partying with friends ahead of her arrest.

Megan Crafton, 22, handed herself in to police on June 15 after the teenage boy, who was on the school basketball team, told officers about the liaison in the parking lot of a grocery store in January.


You know… someone wrote a post somewhere on the manosphere about this kind of behavior by female teachers, authority figures, etc.. not being an epidemic.

It might not be, but it’s becoming a helluva lot more frequent.

But that’s not the issue.

The issue is if it was a man instead of a woman.. feminists would be going wild, and the justice system would be coming down on his head, and the media would eviscerate him.

But a hot chick does it… well.. lucky boy.

Double standards, how i do love’m.


The Wisdom of Mike C.

June 26, 2012

Sometimes the conversations there can bring about a powerful understanding into the discrepancy between the though processes of the sexes.

This one is brought to you by Mike C. at comment 398

Here’s the setup up. The concept of ‘spinning plates’ was brought up by myself and a few others in this thread. Susan and Co. take umbrage at the idea of men working multiple women at the same time until a firm offer of exclusivity comes up by the female. Jimmy gets the ball rolling by asking Susan:

“can you honestly argue that it doesn’t place him in a more advantageous situation than if he were sexually pursuing either girl exclusively from the get go?”

Susan replies:

Of course it does, and he can generally pull it off only by lying by omission. Since you claim that many women don’t mind, why not be up front about his activities and what he is looking for? “Just so you know, you’re not the only person I’m doing this with.” Heck, according to your theory, this should be a DHV.

They have a few back and forth before Jimmy ends on:

You seem to be advocating exclusivity before a committed relationship is even established.

followed with

Just curious, is it a lie by omission if a girl doesn’t announce her count to a potential bf before he commits to her? After all, that’s information that will help him make an informed decision… Using your standard

It’s at this point where Mike C. jumps in and really lays it all out on the table for all to see with eyes wide open. His ability articulate this succinctly is breathtaking. Enjoy the read, it’s after the jump.

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