
Revenge Porn is Wrong – ABR is Not!

February 2, 2014

Just a quick post.  (quick by my standards anyways..)


I’m going to break ranks with a lot of folks in the sphere but whatever.. it’s how i roll.

First read this.

Victims Of ‘Revenge Porn’ Open Up On Reddit About How It Impacted Their Lives

I know a lot of people within our little community are against criminalization of it.. i am not one of them.

I happen to agree with it.

You see, I am a libertarian first and foremost. I value privacy and trust.

I happen to agree with the punishment aspect… consensual intimate affairs should not become dirty laundry to use as a weapon.
Being filmed while having sex that is not meant for public consumption, only private viewing between the two participants means there is an unwritten rule. It is merely for the two of you to enjoy and share with each other. It takes a hell of a lot of trust and enhances intimacy by leaps and bounds! It’s a trust that should not be violated. EVER.
Some obvious disclaimers:
  • only subject yourself to this activity within the confines of a trusting monogamous relationship between mature people
  • DO NOT start sexting and sending xxx videos to the guy you hooked up with just days ago
  • DO NOT start making porn with stupid horny teens who act on emotion rather than rationality
  • etc..

There is only ONE time i will accept the idea of revenge porn, and it goes hand in hand with the acronym ABR, What is ABR?


I wholeheartedly endorse clandestine recording without consent IF you solely intend to keep the video to yourself  (no sharing) for you personal collection (memories/jerk off material) AND as video evidence to dispute false rape claims.

If you engage in consensual sex and happen to run across the not so mythical bitch that decides the next day it was rape, i 100% endorse uploading the video to a revenge porn outlet and then flooding the internets bowels with the false accusers name along with the video. Personally destroy her so her name is associated with the video for as long as the internet exists – precisely what happens to those who are falsely accused today – having their names come up in Google with the black stain and stench of a rape accusation.

I am not joking. False accusers should be DESTROYED in every capacity to the point where they want to kill themselves. They pollute the justice system, inflict great harm to innocent men, and make real victims of rape that much harder to get justice. False accusers need to realize the penalty is too great to dare even FEIGN the threat of a false rape charge.

How much does this kind of protection cost? Fuck all as it turns out.

2013-12-30 21.02.16

2013-12-30 21.02.44

Circumstances have recently arisen prompting me to go out and spend a little bit on some personal security devices (not for sexual recording, but it applies just as well). I’ll show you just how easily this gets set up.

So really, $100 bux is what you’re looking at. You can splurge for a better auto switching day/night vision camera that records in 720p HD  h.264 video and has an SD card built in to record on the camera itself saving you the need to have a computer. Set the camera up in a busy place (so it’s not sticking out like a sore thumb), change the options in the camera to record only on motion detect and you’re all set!

Now all you have to do is bring her home and give her the fucking of a lifetime!

To borrow a line from the Hair Club for Men – Now you can FUCK HER with TOTAL CONFIDENCE!

And if you ever get a surprise knock at the door from the local PD.. let them cuff you and walk you down to the station with a smile on your face. Just keep repeating ‘I did not rape her’ with a smile that just won’t quit. And keep smiling that smug smile knowing that once they let you go, you’re gonna send that video off to the local news covering your charges, fire it off to reddit, onto bittorrent, onto any of the hundreds of free porn video sites that allow user uploads.. and just watch that video spread like a supernova.

False accusers need to be destroyed. In a society that does not punish them adequately, it is up to YOU to be eternally vigilant and make sure that every woman understands they may possibly end up in a justice zone where their lies may be outted for the world to see. And if the idea of their life being destroyed helps prevent even one woman from doing it.. i’ll consider it worth it.

And for the man on the go who fucks outside his watchful guardian network… take heed! There is still something for you.

[EDIT] Totally forgot to add the ending to this post.. what an epic facepalm!

If you are fucking at her place and don’t have a camera, get an audio recording app for your phone.. it’s the next best thing!




  1. “I did not rape her.”

    By all means, keep the smile. You got your get out of jail free card. But if this actually happens to you, a “no comment” or “I want to speak to a lawyer” (repeated ad nauseum) might be the better option. I am not a lawyer, and unless you are too, be careful giving out advice like that.

  2. Stop watching porn!


  3. Wow, I didn’t realize just how affordable these devices were! May pick one up myself…I’ve been batting around the idea of making some “homemade” videos with my FwB, but neither of us has a recorder.

    You may have inadvertently solved a problem for me while letting others know how easy it is to protect themselves, M3! Great post, let’s hope that these DIY security systems make their way into more of your reader’s homes, especially if they date/have casual lovers.

  4. @ Shimshon

    Point taken. Asking for a lawyer is the smarter option.

  5. @ Tarnished

    If you want to make a quality memory with your love, I’d suggest a relatively inexpensive point and shoot camera with video recording function. You can find one for under 200 bux if you look hard. These security cams are just that.. for security. The lens is fixed, no control over focal length or aperture, and if you record over the network, can experience lag and frame drops. Its meant more for recording proof, not for fine viewing. That said, I haven’t tried the 720p HD one with SD card.. for all I know, that might be just as good?

  6. @M3

    Yeah, that’s the one I was thinking of getting if it’s not overly expensive. I’m going to Best Buy later today anyway…will have to check out the options.

    Regardless, I’m already spending about $200 on my FwB’s birthday dinner next week, so further purchases will have to wait a while. 😛

  7. @Taz Man

    The list you link to has good advice, but it really only applies to people who are already addicted/getting addicted to porn. Watching pornography, in itself, is not a “bad” thing to do…My FwB and I watch porn together for new ideas and to fuel threesome fantasies, and both of us watch it when we are alone too.

    Porn becomes a problem when you let it control you instead of help you.

  8. I treat unwritten rules the way I treat unwritten contracts: they don’t exist.

    There’s another motivation behind so-called revenge porn that you seem to be disregarding. Many men, some time after a break-up, endure all sorts of false accusations that don’t rise to criminal accusations. “He was shit in bed.” “He’s got a small dick.” “I never came with him.” All that crap vanishes with one little video.

    I don’t do personal porn, but if some old hidden-camera video surfaced from my college years, I’d have great difficulty faking any shame – though perhaps I might be embarrassed by my early technique. To make revenge porn criminal, you’ve got to assign to that medium the color of blackmail. For blackmail to work, the victim’s personal actions must be somehow criminal or humiliating. If we’re talking feminist you-go-gurl sex where a woman gets to screw around outside marriage, and nothing unlawful happened, where’s the assumed non-disclosure? “This’ll be our secret,” says the guy, on the recording. Well, there it is. But if that’s not there, and the girl doesn’t have the recording of it, then we’re back to Always Be Recording – aka: he said / she said antidotes.

    No, sir, I don’t think you’ve thought through what motivates men to publish “revenge porn.” I’m pretty sure the motivation is revealing a woman as what she is, rather than what she claims.

  9. @ TTECLOD

    You raise a valid point, but i think context is key. Certainly destroying a woman’s ego driven charges of ‘poor performance’ is cause for retribution, but one i don’t think requires the full might of a Google apocalypse blight a revenge porn site upload could entail.

    If you ever ran into a person who was parroting hearsay, like the friend of an ex who informed you that she was saying X, Y and Z about you behind your back to all her friends, you could simply smile and say ‘Ya, well video don’t lie and i got all her orgasm’s on tape.. you’d be welcome to come over and view it if you like, i’ll get the wine ready’ and just leave it there. That little ditty would be certainly enough to make it’s way back into her social circle, ruin her rep and maybe get the hypergamic juices of others flowing. There is nothing more seductive to a woman than a confidant man who is so extremely confident about his sexual abilities that he can laugh off such wanton ex-backtalk butthurt with a return volly that doesn’t tread into anger/vengeance territory. Cockiness is sexy. Over reactions are not. Revenge porn is for the juvenile, not for the adult.

    As i stated, i’m a libertarian first. I wouldn’t enjoy the idea of my nudity spread across the net possibly fucking up my job opportunities or whatnot because my ex got upset. As it were, my exwife did one hell of a job on me.. yet the most she got from me was me chewing her out on assbook for a day to let her friends know the pretty picture she painted to all of them was a lie. But it never crossed my mind to let our videos loose to the wild.

    That should solely be reserved for the demon spawn that are false rape accusers. That is the main goal of this post. I want every woman who might even imagine using a false rape claim to consider the remote possibility she is being recorded at all times, and that in itself might cause this scourge to implode.

  10. Demon spawn indeed. It’s a good idea to put a camera up in your computer room too. That way you can catch her on tape when she goes through your computer looking for stuff.

  11. You can’t simply state you are a libertarian and then go on about how you believe in prosecuting men for distributing a sex tape. That goes against the very core of what a libertian believes in. You can’t simply just be okay with some extents of this activity as it pertains to the law and not be okay with other extents. There is always going to be feminists coming up with new ways to screw over men if you take a certain amount of these and criminally prosecute them and not others. And the difference between the “bad” ones and “safe” ones are what? Viewer discretion? Who gets to make that distinction?
    Probably the same people who get to make the distinction between sex and so called “date rape”.
    Simply put you can’t criminally prosecute something like this unless you plan on prosecuting it for every instance of it. And since that would kind of defeat the purpose of what everything a libertarian believes in, it must be left alone.
    Sadly there will be some bad apples that do some dastardly shit. But the result of that is maybe some hurt feelings, maybe more. But if they didn’t want that to happen, they shouldn’t of consented to it in the first place. On the flip side we start involving government and start letting them figure out who is bad and who the good guy when it comes to this shit? Yeah – no thanks.

  12. Clandestine recording without consent is illegal in some jurisdictions. Can carry a fine and some county jail time; most jurisdictions make it a misdemeanor with slightly lesser penalties than a first time DUI offense.

    But then sometimes you have to make a decision on which you’d rather do.

    Would you rather pay $1500 in fines and court costs, and maybe a week in the county pokey, on a misdemeanor illegal eavesdropping bit (that you can probably plead down to disorderly conduct and a $500 fine and probation)?

    Or would you rather be staring 10 to 20 in the face for rape or criminal sexual assault? A permanent status as a sex offender even if you plead it down? Lifetime registration as a sex offender? Inability to get a job? Inability to earn a living? Inability to live in peace anywhere? Your name and photo on internet sex offender registries for the rest of your life?

  13. Q: Is Revenge Porn wrong? A: Sometimes.

    That is exactly what your post said, M3. However, you can NOT predict the future and every possible situation. A priori law is bullshit. In Murika we have this lost idea of trial by our peers. The trial by peers should be always on.

    That is exactly the problem with institutional solutions. They are not skewed for justice but the ruling class. Institutions care nothing of personal circumstances for the common man or woman. As I have written on my blog, freedom IS the solution.

    Does a woman’s new man have the freedom to bust the face of the guy who causes pain for the sake of causing pain? No. I remember when hand-to-hand fighting was culturally accepted. Until common men are patriarchs embodying the las as a free market of their superlative violence, common men are slave builders or expendable outsiders. Good meals require blood, and we need good meals every day. Good governance works the same way. If you want it done right. Life is like that. Dynamic not static. Static solutions with cut and dry answers are always, always wrong, as in impossible as advertised and perverted as institutionalized. The root of the problem goes to not continuously hammering out our values as a living, vibrant culture. Life is dynamic, death is static.

  14. And another thing…

    In a society or societies predominantly of idiots, I don’t have a dog in that fight between ex’s. Neither do you, M3. You just want to have a certain lifestyle, but the institutions are not about special interests unless they are corrupt.

    “Is there no virtue among us? If there be not, we are in a wretched situation. No theoretical checks–no form of government can render us secure. To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical idea.”
    –James Madison


  15. How do I get a larger version of your (new) Gravator pic?

    That needs to be blown up to poster size. 🙂 You should do that for your lady. She’d love it.

  16. Sadly there will be some bad apples that do some dastardly shit. But the result of that is maybe some hurt feelings, maybe more. But if they didn’t want that to happen, they shouldn’t of consented to it in the first place. On the flip side we start involving government and start letting them figure out who is bad and who the good guy when it comes to this shit? Yeah – no thanks.

    Actually, a lot of revenge porn isn’t really what it sounds like. Often there was no consent involved and the images were not selfies. There have been a number of exposes written on this recently. A good chunk of “revenge” porn is actually stolen, not voluntarily distributed, by the use of keylogger malware. Another chunk of it is fabricated; the girl or guy’s face is photoshopped onto a porn image and then put online under the victim’s name. And then another chunk of it obtained by hackers using someone’s laptop camera to film the guy or girl undressing without his/her knowledge.

    The reasons that this is done are usually monetary in nature. Some revenge porn sites get ad revenue, odd as that seems. Other sites are essentially blackmailing the men and women whose images are displayed there. The FBI recently took down one of the most notorious of these guys, on federal hacking charges. These are not nice people who are just having a joke on slutty women and caddish men while using their right to free speech. Rather, these are serious low-life criminals and should be prosecuted as such.

  17. “I wholeheartedly endorse clandestine recording without consent IF you solely intend to keep the video to yourself (no sharing) for you personal collection (memories/jerk off material) AND as video evidence to dispute false rape claims.”
    – Its not possible to “clandestine” record with cameras that large and obvious.

  18. Let me preface this comment with a warning, if the author of this post is reading it. I love your work, your writing is brilliant and I learned way more from reading this blog than from any other part of the manosphere at this point.
    Though, you being a Libertarian seems a bit contradictory, especially when you’re asking for regulation of porn. You later said that you had hoped your atheism would vanish when you lost your brother, but it didn’t.
    So why is it that the gradual deregulation of cells that eventually took your brother didn’t change your political affiliation? I know this is an EXTREMELY touchy subject, but you seem like someone who is able to put aside enough of your emotions to discern reality from fiction.
    Just something I’d like to note. If my definition of Libertarian is missing something, I’m open to information I have not been privy to.

  19. @ JimmyJango

    Thanks for swinging by. I identify as libertarian but i probably don’t adopt all tenets of it with rigid determination. I’m more like todays Christians who pick and choose what they like from the bible. After all, i see the value in Socialized Health, of which i have seen the benefits first hand. A touchy subject for another day. So onto porn.

    Firstly, i’m definitely not asking for regulation of porn. Not in the slightest. If anything i’d love to help anything that allows more production of porn. That said, in the strictest sense, i want to see porn that a.) is produced with actors/actresses that have consented to be in a public feature and b.)remunerated for their work. Neither of these would occur under the Revenge Porn scenario. If there is theoretically nothing wrong with recording a sex act with your partner for private use, but then breaching that contract and publishing it in the public domain.. then there would be nothing wrong with me recording people using a telephoto lens peeping into their house, or breaking in and stealing their home made porn and putting it up online. Consent to have ones sex open to the public is not a requirement if Revenge porn is allowed. By hook or by crook, however i come to possess sexual imagery of you without your knowledge.. i can then profit from or destroy your livelihood and credibility and you would have zero ability to seek damages from my actions. Consent isn’t necessary right?

    Consent to sex filming is a private contract between two parties.. otherwise, lawyers, contracts and salaries have to be discussed.. and that just kills the mood.

    I didn’t say i hoped my Atheism would vanish, i said if there was ever a time for something to happen to prove me wrong, shed ‘light’ on the paranormal, anything to prove to me that another plane of existence or conscious existed.. that was the time. It did not happen, it didn’t materialize, ergo, no evidence to believe in God. A clever analogy regarding deregulation. Cells run amok, cancer is. I think it makes a strong case for regulation, safeguards need to be in place to keep those who would take advantage of others and ruin lives in order to prosper. One need only look at Canada’s banking regulations kept us stable. We had no equivalent of Goldman Sachs or AIG here. Personal deposits don’t mix with investments. CDI’s don’t exist here. We understand that when banks gamble with other peoples money with no risk to themselves.. they will not do the ethical or moral thing. They will gamble till they lose and then ask the taxpayer for more.

    I may not be the classic definition of Libertarian. I do believe in peoples freedom to choose, personal rights, property rights, and the right to deal with the consequences of all your choices. I don’t believe in foreign entanglements or wars abroad with made up monsters. I am a fan of Ron Paul and the facebook libertarian girl Julie Borowski. We won’t agree on every issue all the time, but enough times i can classify myself in the Libertarian spectrum of political ideology. I guess you can say NALALT hehe.

    Hope this answered some/all of your questions. Cheers.

  20. I totally agree with most of your points on the subject. Particularly “Revenge porn” is a despicable act, it jeopardizes the lives of its victims, and it should be punished or curbed in some way. However, criminalizing such activity is a very touchy subject. In this respect I more agree with Techdirt blog’s opinion on the subject


    The gist is this: there are multiple jurisdictions that have versions of legislative decisions passed that outlaw “Revenge porn”. There have been a huge problem with all of them – a good definition. Apparently there are multiple cases are in a grey area, particularly in this story https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140330/08413326735/federal-revenge-porn-bill-will-look-to-criminalize-websites.shtml
    a blogger was bullied and almost criminally charged for posting a photo of some rich guy who happen to not like the his face expression on the photo.
    And apparently these types of stories are common. Companies engage in “revenge porn trolling” that is bullying the websites to take down material they deem unfavorable.

    As it often happens, many laws with seemingly good intentions eventually end up being abused.

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