Posts Tagged ‘manosphere’


Cows to be led to slaughter as a euphamism for the current SMP

July 6, 2012

When you see children playing on a playground.. do you look at the two sexes and think “wow, these boys must absolutely HATE women. Look how they play together, laugh with each other, tell each other jokes and smile. The hate is just palpable!

Yeah i thought so.

[Edit: Even tho i started writing this a few days ago, I just caught a comment from Esau at HUS which mirrors the thought of this post. It’s here if you want to see it, it’s insightful.]

People aren’t born with an innate hatred towards others. They need to be either taught, or experience something that shapes their worldview. It’s the essence of our growth. Left to our own devices on an individual level, we would all most likely end up like Brooke Shields and whatshisname in the Blue Lagoon. (mmmmm Brooke Shields)

But of course once you get a whole shitload of people with an agenda harping at you, teaching you and telling you what you should feel and how you should react and what you should do about it.. regardless of what you really feel.. well, there’s a movie that describes that effect quite well too.


My spellchecker knows what it is.


I have a red wavy line running under it right now.

Both are real, but i imagine how they are reached often by two completely divergent paths. One is through educated hate and indoctrination in college and university study classes and groupthink. One is through life experiences of emotional trauma and upheaval when the pretty lies shatter and rain down like a thousand cutting daggers, where ultimately the matrix experiences a system crash.

I’ll let you take a moment to figure which points to which.

My brother coined the phrase ‘Woman are cows and good for only one thing, to be led to slaughter.‘ I’ll get to that more in a moment.

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For posterity’s sake that words should not be disappeared

June 28, 2012



1. succeeding or future generations collectively: Judgment of this age must be left to posterity.
2. all descendants of one person: His fortune was gradually dissipated by his posterity.

I take no major credit for this post.. it wasn’t written by me 🙂

The reason this post exists is because i am a staunch libertarian and believe that opinions and ideas should be free to live and die by their own merits, and not by the swift cutting hand of an editor trying to silence words that do not conform to their ideal framing of the world. It does not matter if the silencer is a nice lady who you like or a man with a funny stash who likes to cast unwanted books into the bonfires with great joyous ceremony, band-playing, “fire oaths,” incantations and playing songs such like Der Königgreatzer.

I LOATHE censorship. Could you tell?

Unless a specific death threat or assassination of character, (or in a blogs case EXTREME trolling) i can’t see why someone’s opinion about something should be stricken from the records of history and time. Even if it goes against the ‘mission’ you’ve driven your life’s work towards, simply hitting the delete key because it offends your sensibilities is wrong wrong wrong. If your blog is a place where you have extremely high traffic from both male and female members looking for information, ideas, debate, etc.. regarding the dysfunction that is the current SMP, then they are not simply going there to hear ‘your’ side of the story, they want it all. They don’t want to be TOLD what to believe, they want to make that informed decisions on their own.

And by redacting or removing vital points of view from a running thread, points of view which have as much merit as any other point of view, you are not only insulting the people who come to your site to read and judge for themselves.. you are harming people by purposefully withholding information, thoughts, ideas, analysis that might allow them to take the correct course of path their lives need to head towards EVEN if it is at odds with your current mission.

I don’t think i need to actually write down the site in question or the operator.. most all of you who comment know. So without further delay i present to you the comments that were redacted in what i think is the correct chronological order in which they appeared. If anyone wants to correct me, please send me a line and i’ll fix it.  So let’s get started, after the jump.

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Hello Manosphere

June 15, 2012

So this is how it all starts…

Who I am is not important. I’m just another voice. Just one more twig that can be broken.

But if you collect a large volume of twigs and combine them, the resulting mass becomes nigh unbreakable.

I lend my voice to the manosphere to add one more twig to the growing movement that allows us as men to make it known that our interests matter, what we feel matters, what we say matters and that we have a right, the human right to go about our own way to pursue a life of freedom and happiness and dictate what it is to be men and masculine for ourselves as we see fit.

formerly MuffManMike