Posts Tagged ‘mra’


I don’t think women care that much about mens concerns

June 18, 2012

A fellow coworker of mine solidified that observation for me with this response regarding my posting up on Facebook the Double Standards‘ image from a previous post.

So true.

I believe this is an actual meme now.

I’ve been a tad bitter as of late for a multitude of reasons, most notably for having to come to terms with having been led on, manipulated and then rejected by an old ‘friend’ and then having to eviscerate a second attempt to put me back into the dreaded LJBF box. It’s left a sour taste in my mouth with regards to the thought process of women and how their interests must be served at all times to the exclusion of whats in our best interests.

Gimme all your relationship caring, emotional support, platonic friendship, but don’t even think of me sexually or i will punch you in the dick.

So it was with that frame of mind where I sort of lost it over at Hooking Up Smart when i decided to chime in on backing up the protestations of some guys that singing the platitudes of fathers will not exactly ingratiate single men to put the blinders back on and accept the obvious pitfalls and perils of what is modern marriage.

I had a quick spat with Susan over at HUS due to my foul mood, and while my tone certainly didn’t have to carry over to an ‘i hate all you fucking women‘ bent.. i wasn’t going to back down from my primary point. Aside from whatever world the viewers of HUS live in, it’s clear to me at least that they live in a tightly knit digital gated community. All of them, each and every one, may be sympathetic and champion the cause of men. But they would be the exception – not the rule.

A strange time we live in where you call the internet the Path to Truth and the real outside world the Matrix. These two planes of existence coexist in the same reality but are not connected to each other. What happens in here does not have a causal effect in the real world. Not yet anyways. Not when it comes to men’s issues.

If this were about women’s issues, you could be sure Oprah would be running specials on her new tv channel night and day to get it actioned on.

Prostate health.. what’s that?

In a close knit community where everyone speaks the same language, it’s quite easy to believe that your community is representative of the larger whole. We also call this way of thinking a delusion if it’s simply accepted without looking at the evidence to the contrary.

Read the rest of this entry ?


Hello Manosphere

June 15, 2012

So this is how it all starts…

Who I am is not important. I’m just another voice. Just one more twig that can be broken.

But if you collect a large volume of twigs and combine them, the resulting mass becomes nigh unbreakable.

I lend my voice to the manosphere to add one more twig to the growing movement that allows us as men to make it known that our interests matter, what we feel matters, what we say matters and that we have a right, the human right to go about our own way to pursue a life of freedom and happiness and dictate what it is to be men and masculine for ourselves as we see fit.

formerly MuffManMike