Posts Tagged ‘fempocalypse’


You’ll Need More Than Just Your Vagina to Compete with the Future (NSFW)

July 4, 2013


I present to you a cautionary tale and a long laugh that was as fun to write as i hope it is fun to read. It’s lengthy and pic heavy but i think it might just make your day and raise some interesting and thought provoking discussion. At the very least it allowed me to be gratuitous with the pic and vid links. Please not, this post is most certainly NOT SAFE for work, or around kids, or Lindsay West.

You’ve been warned.

Ok, we’ve all talked about sexbots till we’re blue in the face. However, these are not actual sexbots, but software.

And if you don’t think this has dire implications down the road, you got another thing coming.

The Asians are hard at work making their hardcore Hentai/Anime porn look as photo-realistic as possible.


Picture this scenario:

Throughout the day you’ve been bombarded with ads on TV for Axe body spray, you’ve passed by the newstand and seen the latest cover of MAXIM, you went into the convenience store and noticed the HUSTLER on the rack, your female coworker decided to wear those red pumps and shorter pencil skirt today, and you fantasized about taking her in the broom closet, you went to the gym and couldn’t help notice the tight girls doing their yoga stretches, the cash girl at the coffee shop was extra bubbly and smiled extra hard when you ordered your brew on the way home and you couldn’t help but notice the billboard on the highway for SPIKE TV displaying a tight toned female stomach covered in water beads beside a .50 caliber sniper rifle. By the time you pulled into the driveway and bumped into your neighbors hot wife bouncing by during her jog.. your prostate is pretty much pounding the shit out of your insides demanding you release the pressure.

After this particularily hard grueling day, you come home, to an empty house, throw your keys on the coffee table, put your briefcase down, sit on the couch, verbally say ‘Xbox ON’, put on the goggles, sit back relax.

The Kinect controller recognizes your face, along with your pulse, heart rate, stress levels, pupil dialation, body temperature and rate of breathing, etc… a virtual tricorder of knowing what state your body is, how much tension you have pent up, and how badly it needs to be released.

And it has the perfect digital simulation to help you out with that little conundrum.

The doctor will see you now!

The doctor will see you now!

Read the rest of this entry ?


Ladies.. if you’re aiming for a husband..

January 23, 2013

For my female audience…

Bag him when he’s a clear shot and you got ammo to spare…


… instead of waiting until he’s out of range, and you’re praying for a miracle with your last rounds.

I simply cannot state it any clearer than this. This is the difference between getting who you want vs. ‘settling‘. Ignore at your own peril and don’t blame the man you end up with when you’re dreaming about an Eat, Pray, Love excursion. It’s all on you for having your priorities all ass backwards.

And remember.. the younger girls you compete with.. they’ve got their hand cannons loaded and bringing them to bear. And while they’re picking off their targets with ease, you get stuck with ‘Mr. Right’

Mr. Right

The alternate title of this post was “Everything i said in my Last post summed up in 2 pictures…

Another alternate title: Priorities… you’re doing it wrong.

I see a future spinster here..

I see a future spinster here..

From my comment on 3MM:

“What about change of mind or wanting life experience”
-these can’t be done with a long time boyfriend or engagement partner? if marriage and children are supposed to be a woman’s top priority in life, she needs to treat it as such. if women want to travel, have fun, ride the carousel or just jump from boyfriend to boyfriend while building a career.. then that is the priority in their life, not marriage/kids.

If going to a reputable school was your priority in life to get an education, you spend your time getting a job and socking away tuition. Sure you can let loose every now and then, but you want to be able to afford Harvard right? You can live your life with the priority of making it into that school. You can’t spend your years blowing all your money on booze and parties every friday night (and not studying to boot) and then wake upone day and say ‘ok time to apply to harvard’ and expect to get in with shit marks and $0 in you bank account.

Seriously… don’t take my word for it.. check out who’s looking at Mr. 36 year old M3 right now… (and remember that *I* am looking to romance women 7-10 years my jr.)

Ladies please.. you should be looking for men older than you..

Ladies please.. you should be looking for men just a touch older than you..


Is it Fair?

January 21, 2013


Don’t shoot me, i’m just the messenger…

So i had a back and forth comment session with my friend Audi (the audacious amateur blogger) and it something occurred to me.

I’m conflicted.

See, i’ll share a little secret. I like her (shhhhh)

At it’s core lies this problem. She’s worried about spherian mentality about “The Wall” and “The Number” and natural consequences of actions. Part of my latent beta wants to don the suit of plate mail, climb the white horse and protect her as my conditioning under the the rules of GirlWorld commands me to. And another part of me, that itchy burning area of my rectum where the RedPill currently resides is telling me fuck it.. actions have consequences, take it like a man. Derrrrp.

This is a case of going before the judge and pleading that you didn’t know that pissing into the town square water fountain was a crime because there were no warning signs posted.. to which the judge harrumphs “IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE” and slams the gavel down and chucks a hefty leather-bound book at you.

She has/had the same problem i did some 18 years ago… it’s called Naivete.


adjective \nä-ˈēv, nī-\

1: marked by unaffected simplicity :artlessingenuous
2a: deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment; especially:credulous
b : not previously subjected to experimentation or a particular experimental situation <made the test with naive rats>;

Is it harsh to be judged and convicted for things done when you were simply following what you thought was the properly laid out doctrine to follow? Yes, yes it is. Especially if the rules you followed were crafted by a society that began an experiment to see if human behavior was indeed a social construct through conditioning and behavioral modification instead of something deeper and more innate… primal. And if it were the latter that was found to be the truth, could leeway be given to avoid the consequences of those actions done under sincere misguidance?

It’s something i wrestle with, because as a decent guy and human being, i wouldn’t want to see what i feel is an obvious good but naive kid who simply followed the path that was allowed for by this current society (a society i do wish to see at the bottom of Davey Jones locker btw) having to accept the consequences and punishment of our now evolved and well informed spherian understanding of a woman’s N and the cruelty of The Wall.

Yet one need only read this (which you probably already have) to realize that i myself, and untold countless millions of others have indeed already paid the loftiest price for being naive. The judges are still at it to this very day with the public trials of NiceGuys™ in the street, listening to the mobs yelling for the Jezebel executioner to throw the level and pull the floor out from under the condemned for their naive nature.

Is it fair that one side is made to suffer full consequences while the other gets a reprieve solely due to gender and timing?

Read the rest of this entry ?


Please give to the PDSA and help rescue an injured animal

January 17, 2013

Some guys take ‘nice‘ overboard and deserve to be shamed… I’m doing my part!

Each donation of your time and resources at the Pumped & Dumped Sluts of America goes towards saving another entitled woman from her poor choices and keeping her afloat long enough to tire of your generosity and look towards entering another ‘game playing’ relationship. Your donation of White Knight chivalry is desperately needed to keep another ‘tired of the games’ woman from finally learning a valuable lesson. Please give generously of your Mangina selves so that the “Good Girls” of dating sites, the ones entitled to relationships, sex and Alpha men can live a somewhat normal (if not dull, agonizing, basic survival) life with your supplicating validating ass until ‘the one’ arrives to replace you.

Every day, more and more young sluts are played for their sexual wares.. left to cry about their 5 minutes of alpha. Only you, with your self sacrificing donation of time, attention, resources and support can keep them from doing the valuable introspection required to break the cycle. How can you look into the eyes of a slut and not be moved to tears? What would you give to shield them from reality and to keep them from learning about the consequences of their hypergamous actions?

Do your part today!




auburn234 : looking for someone special

auburn234 i like women whos tired of the games and read


Rescue This!


Not This!



Someone please find this auburn234 guy, tackle him and shove the RedPill up his ass! Part of me thinks he can’t possibly exist and he’s a sphere ‘trap’.


Like installing a Pacemaker into a corpse..

January 10, 2013

…technology cannot save the institution of marriage. For North America.. it’s flat lined. Tag it and bag it, it’s usefulness in a society built upon the premise of independence mentality and zero obligations to maintain one.. not to mention the legal turmoil one might get embroiled in if stupid enough to go through with it today make it’s purpose  outlived and downright dangerous.

Women marrying for show and status, not for necessity. Men marrying out of shaming and archaic beliefs of love, honor and commitment.

And a divorce rate that goes on and on like the Energizer rabbit.

But oh that “male” driven marriage industry (lololololz) continually finds new ways to innovate and remain relevant today. Introducing the Proposal App!

New app teaches guys how to propose to their girlfriends

Proposing marriage is the most important question you’ll ever ask,” says Beryl Raff,  chairman of the company that created the app

Because yeah… the whole problem with why marriage is on the decline today is because proposals are down because guys are just too dumb to know how to propose.

Good one Hamster.. good one.

Thankfully i have an Android phone, thus will be spared the indignity of seeing this worthless app in Google Play.

With much hilarity i have to point out that Jizzaballz Laura Beck produced one whopper of a sentiment in this article, given that a) women need men like fish need bicycles and b) SusnshineMary started a conversation about Sexbots and robotic lovin (emphasis mine):

“On one hand, it’s cool that there’s something available to hold (in) the hand of a nervous person (man) who’s ready to pop the question — everyone needs friends/robots to share in life’s big decisions! On the other, proposing is so personal, and things like finding the right location and writing a memorable proposal are probably things an app shouldn’t be able to help with,” she writes.

See, even Laura thinks we need robots to help us out with our… needs.

Best comment goes to MZT

“Stupid article…in typical yahoo feminist fashion the author never bothered to talk to the guys who might actually use it…instead she quotes a radical feminst blogger….maybe they should make a version of this app for cats to use with their owners and then the jezebel bloggers can actually see the app in action before they comment.”

Well, we all know this stupid app will be useless in the hands of women. They don’t do the proposin’.. so since this is the MANoshpere.. lets take it to a vote shall we? Maybe consider this a focus group for the app maker (and confirm the marriagestrike is still on shall we?)

[Updated Poll with more option goodness]


MSN Lifestyle Page.. Go Fuck Yourself

December 17, 2012

Wow. This just came across my desk and it begs for a rant.

Enjoy the drivel of someone really fucking stupid over at MSN writing out of his/her/it’s ass.

10 reasons for men to embrace marriage

From the article i will dissect numerous points.

Many men are a bit dismissive of the concept of marriage. To some of us, marriage is an institution designed to tie us down, break us in and lead us, like obedient donkeys, into a lifetime of domestic drudgery.

Just think of the language we use. Wives are trouble and strife, and marriage is a prison sentence.

And yet, if you’re with the right person and you’re at the right time of your life, a good marriage can be the solid foundation for everything you achieve in life. Here are 10 good reasons to embrace marriage.

Right person? Right time of life? Sorry, that boat has sailed. That train has left the station.

If you are an alpha and you find that one in a million girl.. yeah, marriage is great. ELSE it just turns into pigs flinging shit. There have been numerous discussions in the sphere lately all pointing to the same thing, women saying they don’t value marriage in the early years… so there’s no reason they will value it later, unless they’re hitting the wall. I’ll keep saying it till i’m blue in the face.. you don’t value something if the only reason you’re doing it is because you ran out of options/power.

Everything else written is correct. For most beta’s and some alpha’s the ball and chain metaphor applies. Do this, do that, do as i say you obedient little donkey.. ELSE marriage over and kiss you ass(ets) goodbye!

“She’ll be there when you need her, through good times and bad.”

“…but getting married means publicly agreeing to be there, for each other, for life. There’s a psychological permanence about marriage…”

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH! Read the rest of this entry ?


There’s never was any hope for Humpty Dumpty

December 8, 2012

Let me ask you a question.

If a woman is raped.. how long does it take for her to get ‘back on the horse’ as it were? Does she get berated with things like

  • you’re really bitter and resentful about it
  • you gotta let it go if you want to move forward and find a good man
  • you’ll always be alone with that attitude
  • you’ll never get a man if you treat him as guilty from the start
  • your hate and mistrust will keep you from finding happiness

Does she?

I don’t think so. I think it’s common for everyone to put on their sensitivity cloaks and say yes.. this woman suffered a massive trauma, from which it will take her a very long time to heal and will have difficulty trusting in the gender that she projects as her tormentor  The expectation would always be on the man, any man, to be sensitive to her with regards to her mistrust of sexual intimacy and allow her time to regain a trust that was so violently shattered.

It would be stupid to say this woman never wants to feel intimacy with a member of the opposite sex because of the way she responds to external stimuli at this very moment. Just because she recoils at touch now does not mean she never wants to be touched again. She just needs time, therapy and a patient person to be there to help her work through and resolve the matter of regaining trust. Even after all of that it will be an uphill battle.

This expectation only goes in one direction.

There’s a reason why i used rape as an analogy in my incel post. Because the effects of isolation and dehumanization are as traumatic and far reaching.

In a world where every woman wants her ReadyMadeMan™ right out of the box, where he leaves all his baggage at the curb, is absolutely confident, awesome and amazing in every way, 24 hours a day, without any problems of his own to prevent him from taking her on the wild adventure in her mind and life simultaneously thus providing her with the entitlement fantasy she’s yearned for since childhood in becoming either a fairy tale princess or being chosen by a thousand year old Vampire to become his Vampiress (of all the thousands of women he could choose over his lifetime)…

…well there’s no room in there for someone like me now is there.

While i’ve been in LIMBO, it came to me as an epiphany that i will never have a healthy relationship.


I’m too damaged and will not be given the opportunity to heal this wound or given time to regain trust. Perhaps it may have been possible when i was still blue pill. Not now.

It came to me when my friend invited me over to a gathering of her relatives. They all talked about me heading to Poland and picking up with a Polish girl to wife up, not fucked up in the head like those crazy ‘North American’ girls, etc.. and in the back of my mind i realized i’m too far gone. I have nothing to offer a non-crazy woman as they described.. because the experiences of the past and the sphere’s teaching to me have dissuaded me from becoming just another cog in the feminine imperative. I’m MGTOW. I’m not going to get married. I’m not going to have kids. And i’m too old. I’d need a minimum of 5 years with someone to get to feel that we were good together and that the relationship was solid and that she followed the Captain/First Officer model. That would make me 42-43 if i met her tomorrow. Sorry, i don’t want to be a dad after 40. And i’m not about to jump into a relationship just to be a dad 6 months later. No. No. NO.

But beyond that.. i can’t even have a ‘normal’ relationship with any woman.. especially here in North America. My defenses are always on high. My finger is always on the trigger. I’m ready to verbally murder a woman with redpill and manosphere knowledge at the very first sign of a woman behaving in even 1 degree of deviation from red pill thought. It’s why i recused myself from debating at Hooking Up Smart. The female imperative is my *trigger* alert.

Why? Read the rest of this entry ?


Ladies – It’s what you do, not what you say.

October 25, 2012

Coworker sent this to me in an instant message. I LOL’d.

There’s a reason meme’s like this thrive.


Sexbots. Rise of the Boners!

July 19, 2012

Thanks to Leap of Beta for inadvertently coining the title of this post.

Skynet did not become self aware and start a nuclear war on August 4, 1997 because of Cyberdyne Systems as predicted in James Camerons first two Terminator films.

Skynet did not become self aware on July 25, 2004 due to the US military’s Cyber Research Systems Division taking control of all computers planet wide and starting a nuclear war as promised in T3: Rise of the Machines.

But the future is not set. There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.

And oh what a fate we are making!

Ok.. so we’re not there yet.

I find the idea quite amusing.

After reading an awesome piece over at Heartiste today about how the current of free high quality porn is slowly erasing mens dependency on women, and how sexbots would completely remove it (thus creating the paradox of abundance mentality and turning every guy into an aloof alpha).. i got to thinking about something i wrote about a while back in a post about double standards.

When Heartiste drew the parallels between male and female equivalence of modern supernormal stimuli, it made me think once again about certain inequalities.

Most all supernormal stimuli for males is equated with negativity, reviled and loathed, things to be abhorred and shunned. The female version is accepted, rejoiced, embraced and exalted as wonderful past times.

Male = bad. Female = good.

Once again it is women who hold all the aces. The things that bring them happiness, are out in the open for all to see as they bask in their inanity and self absorption, dragging us along for the ride on the stupid train. How stupid? Heartiste answers that quibble resoundingly:

Answer: 50 Shades of Gray, tabloids, Facebook, OkCupid, pulp romance novels, pretty much everything on TV, high glycemic carbs.

All that garbage, out in the open, perfectly fine, ok, accepted.

Yet when a man wants to hit his super-dooper-kala-si-fric-normal stimuli by checking out some tantalizing female flesh, if he doesn’t have tight game, still in the blue pill world, stuck in a sexless marriage or given up all hope, he must either crawl into a dimly lit den with purple lights for fear of being recognized, or hide in the shadows while ordering porn online (or downloading it like a Pirate arrrrr) and do his business in the warm afterglow of a computer monitor. Remember, his stimuli is BAD.

Into the pr0n again eh’

So what would be the ultimate BAD stimuli? Well a woman that fucked and sucked on command, while giving you eyes and asking you to blow a load in her mouth, and then asked you how your day was, maybe even make you a sandwich? And she didn’t do it with a hint of anger, frustration or resentment. Each and every day, would look at you longingly and lovingly and do everything possible to make your day just a little brighter and happier than the last.

And hope you don’t have to reboot her after leaving her on for a week. Self cleaning model’s would be a luxury option.

Enter the Sexbot.

Now before you call me a misogynist, I want you to think about this next puzzle long and hard. What has feminism fought and striven for to allow women to do since it’s inception? I’m sure most of you have said ‘Be irresponsible blithering dolts” and i’d be hard pressed to argue that.. but no. What they wanted right out of the gate and have pretty much achieved through changes to laws, government involvement, wealth transfers, relaxing of standards, education, indoctrination and social attitudes is this…


Read the rest of this entry ?


The canary in the coal mine.. fewer kids

June 22, 2012

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here

I’m not Nostradamus but…

World with less and less marriageable women, and men taking greater precautions during pathetic economic times, the  man-cession and inability to provide for a stable family (or avoid getting raped by divorce, alimony, child support, losing access to kids, you get the point)… it’s not abnormal to see this dip.

Put a fork in it, it’s done.

Births in Canada down for the first time in a decade

“The bump-up seems to be that a lot of couples have postponed child-bearing and then they get to the end of the child-bearing possibilities, or what they perceive as that, and they have a child later,” she tells the Canadian Press.

So maybe it was just a 10-year blip, and now we can all go back to raising our 1.67 children.

With more and more men swallowing red pill knowledge by the day at an exponential level.. how many men are going to start avoiding helping these women  who are at the end of their ‘child bearing’ years pop out a kid when they’re targeting the young’ns.

If anyone can find info mirroring this for other countries like the U.S., U.K or land down under.. do share.

The canary is twitching. Ye have been warned.