Posts Tagged ‘the.wall’


Wrong Conclusions Corrected

May 23, 2013

How to improve female fertility: avoid selfish men DON’T BE A FUCKING MANLY AGGRESSIVE UNFEMININE BITCH

There… fixed it for you ya Guardian editors!

I’ll be back to more regular shit soon (there’s a fibre joke for ya) 🙂


[edit NOW]

I had to come back to this and add a few points

Moreover, when are we, as a society, going to address a painful truth: that where timing is concerned, female fertility is not, as is often supposed, controlled exclusively by women, but also very much in the power of the men they are with?

Yes.. painful to know that men should have a say in when they become fathers.

Fucking misandrist fucktards.

However, GBF taps into the culture of misogyny surrounding female fertility. It feeds the urban myth of women “refusing” to have children because of careers, partying, or holding out for Leonardo DiCaprio.

This is an urban myth? GTFO! I thought it was feminist mantra to go after career first and that anything less was a “WASTE OF YOUR LIFE”…

Even not finding the right man often turns out to be a euphemism for: “I met him, I spent years with him, but ultimately, he wouldn’t have children.” Put bluntly, many of these women at their fertile peak didn’t refuse anything, their men did.

Yes. I’m sure the fact that you were such horrible wife/mother material played no role in these men refusing to put their arse on the divorce/alimony/child support firing line…

Like it or not, this is how men influence female fertility and, ultimately, female infertility. The mere thought is enough to inspire feminist panic: women, not men, should control their fertility. Who could disagree?

(raises hand) … ME.

Such men may feel that the relationship isn’t right, or don’t want their freedom curtailed, or other reasons, all as valid as a woman making similar decisions.

Ok.. now you’re starting to sound smart…

It only becomes unfair, verging on selfish, when men keep such insights to themselves for too long. These are the time-wasters, what I’d term the fertility-drifters, who think nothing of keeping women dangling for years on end.

Or perhaps the women deluded themselves into thinking the alpha’s found them worthy of mating with? Are you trying to say these women didn’t have a plethora of other men to choose from, since biologically speaking.. women are the ones that allow sex to happen. Are you removing agency from these women and calling them simpleton children unable to figure out for themselves whether a situation is not moving forward to their liking?

It’s not that these women are pathetic wimps, rather that often they can’t win: if they push, they’re pushy (humiliating); if they don’t push, if they’re respectful and patient, they’ll waste even more time.

Yup. Denying agency, making excuses and treating like children. Check. Check. Check.

No one shows a man mercy when he marries a gold digger who spends him into oblivion and then leaves him for another man and seeks alimony on top of it. They always say “Shoulda chose better” or “You were only thinking with your dick” etc…

If you waste your fertility chasing bad boys or diplomas.. or you were an overly aggressive and unfeminine beast.. and you don’t end up marrying, having a family during your fertile years.. it’s your own damn fault and not any mans.

Aim early when you’re at the top of your game.


Date Down

January 29, 2013

Super quick post.

There’s a current meme developing in the comment section on both The Rational Male and The Private Man where the female commenters are basically going to this argument:

If you want a relationship, stop shooting for the stars and stop punching above your weight. Date down, start choosing plump 4’s and 5’s.

Now most of the male commenters like Deti and FuriousFerret have done amazing counter arguments but i would simply like to say this.

If you’re saying all my problems are because i’m shooting too high and i should date down.. while i’m at my physical best, absolute peak, tip top, and getting better..

..why aren’t women ‘dating down’ and choosing betas/deltas/gammas/omega shlubs at the height of their power when they’re young?


Ladies.. if you’re aiming for a husband..

January 23, 2013

For my female audience…

Bag him when he’s a clear shot and you got ammo to spare…


… instead of waiting until he’s out of range, and you’re praying for a miracle with your last rounds.

I simply cannot state it any clearer than this. This is the difference between getting who you want vs. ‘settling‘. Ignore at your own peril and don’t blame the man you end up with when you’re dreaming about an Eat, Pray, Love excursion. It’s all on you for having your priorities all ass backwards.

And remember.. the younger girls you compete with.. they’ve got their hand cannons loaded and bringing them to bear. And while they’re picking off their targets with ease, you get stuck with ‘Mr. Right’

Mr. Right

The alternate title of this post was “Everything i said in my Last post summed up in 2 pictures…

Another alternate title: Priorities… you’re doing it wrong.

I see a future spinster here..

I see a future spinster here..

From my comment on 3MM:

“What about change of mind or wanting life experience”
-these can’t be done with a long time boyfriend or engagement partner? if marriage and children are supposed to be a woman’s top priority in life, she needs to treat it as such. if women want to travel, have fun, ride the carousel or just jump from boyfriend to boyfriend while building a career.. then that is the priority in their life, not marriage/kids.

If going to a reputable school was your priority in life to get an education, you spend your time getting a job and socking away tuition. Sure you can let loose every now and then, but you want to be able to afford Harvard right? You can live your life with the priority of making it into that school. You can’t spend your years blowing all your money on booze and parties every friday night (and not studying to boot) and then wake upone day and say ‘ok time to apply to harvard’ and expect to get in with shit marks and $0 in you bank account.

Seriously… don’t take my word for it.. check out who’s looking at Mr. 36 year old M3 right now… (and remember that *I* am looking to romance women 7-10 years my jr.)

Ladies please.. you should be looking for men older than you..

Ladies please.. you should be looking for men just a touch older than you..


Is it Fair?

January 21, 2013


Don’t shoot me, i’m just the messenger…

So i had a back and forth comment session with my friend Audi (the audacious amateur blogger) and it something occurred to me.

I’m conflicted.

See, i’ll share a little secret. I like her (shhhhh)

At it’s core lies this problem. She’s worried about spherian mentality about “The Wall” and “The Number” and natural consequences of actions. Part of my latent beta wants to don the suit of plate mail, climb the white horse and protect her as my conditioning under the the rules of GirlWorld commands me to. And another part of me, that itchy burning area of my rectum where the RedPill currently resides is telling me fuck it.. actions have consequences, take it like a man. Derrrrp.

This is a case of going before the judge and pleading that you didn’t know that pissing into the town square water fountain was a crime because there were no warning signs posted.. to which the judge harrumphs “IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE” and slams the gavel down and chucks a hefty leather-bound book at you.

She has/had the same problem i did some 18 years ago… it’s called Naivete.


adjective \nä-ˈēv, nī-\

1: marked by unaffected simplicity :artless, ingenuous
2a: deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment; especially:credulous
b : not previously subjected to experimentation or a particular experimental situation <made the test with naive rats>;

Is it harsh to be judged and convicted for things done when you were simply following what you thought was the properly laid out doctrine to follow? Yes, yes it is. Especially if the rules you followed were crafted by a society that began an experiment to see if human behavior was indeed a social construct through conditioning and behavioral modification instead of something deeper and more innate… primal. And if it were the latter that was found to be the truth, could leeway be given to avoid the consequences of those actions done under sincere misguidance?

It’s something i wrestle with, because as a decent guy and human being, i wouldn’t want to see what i feel is an obvious good but naive kid who simply followed the path that was allowed for by this current society (a society i do wish to see at the bottom of Davey Jones locker btw) having to accept the consequences and punishment of our now evolved and well informed spherian understanding of a woman’s N and the cruelty of The Wall.

Yet one need only read this (which you probably already have) to realize that i myself, and untold countless millions of others have indeed already paid the loftiest price for being naive. The judges are still at it to this very day with the public trials of NiceGuys™ in the street, listening to the mobs yelling for the Jezebel executioner to throw the level and pull the floor out from under the condemned for their naive nature.

Is it fair that one side is made to suffer full consequences while the other gets a reprieve solely due to gender and timing?

Read the rest of this entry ?


MSN Lifestyle Page.. Go Fuck Yourself

December 17, 2012

Wow. This just came across my desk and it begs for a rant.

Enjoy the drivel of someone really fucking stupid over at MSN writing out of his/her/it’s ass.

10 reasons for men to embrace marriage

From the article i will dissect numerous points.

Many men are a bit dismissive of the concept of marriage. To some of us, marriage is an institution designed to tie us down, break us in and lead us, like obedient donkeys, into a lifetime of domestic drudgery.

Just think of the language we use. Wives are trouble and strife, and marriage is a prison sentence.

And yet, if you’re with the right person and you’re at the right time of your life, a good marriage can be the solid foundation for everything you achieve in life. Here are 10 good reasons to embrace marriage.

Right person? Right time of life? Sorry, that boat has sailed. That train has left the station.

If you are an alpha and you find that one in a million girl.. yeah, marriage is great. ELSE it just turns into pigs flinging shit. There have been numerous discussions in the sphere lately all pointing to the same thing, women saying they don’t value marriage in the early years… so there’s no reason they will value it later, unless they’re hitting the wall. I’ll keep saying it till i’m blue in the face.. you don’t value something if the only reason you’re doing it is because you ran out of options/power.

Everything else written is correct. For most beta’s and some alpha’s the ball and chain metaphor applies. Do this, do that, do as i say you obedient little donkey.. ELSE marriage over and kiss you ass(ets) goodbye!

“She’ll be there when you need her, through good times and bad.”

“…but getting married means publicly agreeing to be there, for each other, for life. There’s a psychological permanence about marriage…”

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH! Read the rest of this entry ?


The canary in the coal mine.. fewer kids

June 22, 2012

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here

I’m not Nostradamus but…

World with less and less marriageable women, and men taking greater precautions during pathetic economic times, the  man-cession and inability to provide for a stable family (or avoid getting raped by divorce, alimony, child support, losing access to kids, you get the point)… it’s not abnormal to see this dip.

Put a fork in it, it’s done.

Births in Canada down for the first time in a decade

“The bump-up seems to be that a lot of couples have postponed child-bearing and then they get to the end of the child-bearing possibilities, or what they perceive as that, and they have a child later,” she tells the Canadian Press.

So maybe it was just a 10-year blip, and now we can all go back to raising our 1.67 children.

With more and more men swallowing red pill knowledge by the day at an exponential level.. how many men are going to start avoiding helping these women  who are at the end of their ‘child bearing’ years pop out a kid when they’re targeting the young’ns.

If anyone can find info mirroring this for other countries like the U.S., U.K or land down under.. do share.

The canary is twitching. Ye have been warned.