
Why you should start working out

June 16, 2012

So you never get any doubts in your head that you are being passed over because you look like a slob.

That’s why i did it. You might agree or disagree but in the end it did the trick.

I got tired of looking at other guys around me, all seemingly fit and muscled up. All things being equal, i was at a disadvantage in the body shape department.

I was 190lbs when i left my former life. A tight belt size 38 waist. I wasn’t morbidly obese, but i did roll over my belt. Even tho i usually dressed well enough to conceal it, i certainly didn’t feel so hot with my shirt off and if i didn’t like it, i knew women wouldn’t lust after it either. I smoked, i was weazy and out of breath, hurt my lower back often, and really lazy.

My body image was my mental handicap. Without changing it, nothing else was going to help.

Shameless plug, but so worth it!

I started on p90x shortly after my marriage kerplunkt. I was determined. I nailed my wedding ring to the wall and made a vow that anytime i felt like quitting, i would look at that fucking ring and draw strength to continue. I was determined to get to Jason Stackhouse levels of Vampire Diaries fame. I’d like to think i’m getting close (those damn abs are elusive). I’m 160lbs, size 32 waist (i almost cried when i got there) clothes fit nice, snug and tight to the body, shadows produce great muscle tone, bumps and divets, i have so much more energy and stamina and strength. And i know i fucking look good to myself. You may differ in opinion but fuck you, mine’s the only one that matters right now.

wannabe wolverine

yes that’s me, don’t make fun, i’m doing my best copycat minus the hair lol

Now i don’t look like Hulk Hogan, but i’m built up enough where i don’t get that little voice in the back of my fucking head saying ‘well, he’s really built well, i can’t see how you could compete against that‘.

Look, i know gamers will be saying it’s not about the looks, it’s how you spit your game blah blah blah.

I’ve come to know first hand that women are just as shallow, if not moreso than men lately and the starting point is always looks. Yes, looks won’t seal the deal and you’ll need good game to go the distance, but having a pot belly, flappy arms and slouching beta posture will not be helping your tight game now will it. And besides, you can make it a part of INNER GAME, you know the whole self improvement aspect of game, treat it as part of you MGTOW lifestyle since you have time to devote to a new discipline.

On top of all that are the health benefits.

  • increased stamina – always good for going the distance 😉
  • lowered chance of disease
  • greater range of motion
  • flexibility
  • lower risk of straining injuries
  • lower blood pressure
  • etc..

The health benefits alone are worthwhile on their own. Adding it to your inner game repetoire just to shut that stupid voice up in your head to stop comparing/competing with others on the courting floor is a huge bonus.

And it also leads to peripheral victories. Because of my regimen i have also:

  • quit smoking
  • begun to attempt new social ventures i would not have otherwise (beach volleyball, rock climbing, biking)
  • more imposing and dominant posture while standing/walking, holding head high, no slouching
  • commanding silent respect/admiration for achieving results
  • more female gaze

But the greatest thing it has done is allowed me to look in the mirror and say the following to myself (yes i talk to myself, fuck you)

my reflection used to have only bad words for me. we’re now on much better terms.

Shit you look fucking awesome. Chicks be fucking stupid to pass up on you. You got all those sweet beta shmuck traits in reserve to dole out once in a blue moon, you got your alpha back, you bring so much to the table, your awesomeness accounting ledger is 95% assets / 5% liabilities… chicks be needing to qualify to you. You don’t need a toxic batshit crazy chick bringing down your credit score. They need to show their worth to you, not vice versa. You can pick n choose and reject. Don’t settle for shit, don’t settle for entitled princess’s, don’t settle for picky flight risk whores. You’re too good for them. If any reject you, their fucking loss, they’re missing out on a great time, the fuck of a lifetime and the chance for something greater.

That’s not vanity. That’s an awareness that on top of all the nice beta traits i possessed during my low years, i also now have the dominant alpha traits with a body to match. I’m the best of both worlds and can switch on a dime. Without the bod image, i didn’t have the self respect – the alpha. It allowed it to come to the surface. Testosterone probably helps in that regard. I’m not a scientist tho, i only play one on TV.

Don’t find excuses. Start working out. If anything else.. start by cutting off ALL sugar. And im not just talking about that white refined shit. Look for the words fructose, glucose, high fructose corn syrup, etc.. on packages of the processed shit you buy. Sugar is in EVERYTHING so start cutting back on what you put in your coffee and look at the labels and try and get shit with under 5 grams per serving. I lost 2 inches and a belt notch just by removing sugar in the first month while i was waiting for my p90x to arrive. (i still can’t believe how many aisles worth of junk food you Americans have in your supermarkets.. )

You like hot women right? Well welcome to 2012.. women like hot guys. David Beckham can attest to it. Don’t give yourself a handicap that you can easily avoid just by killing sugar and doing exercises 3 times a week at minimum. Tony’s got a 10 minute trainer that works wonders too.

Like NIKE says.. JUST.DO.IT.


  1. Shit you look fucking awesome. Chicks be fucking stupid to pass up on you. You got all those sweet beta shmuck traits in reserve to dole out once in a blue moon, you got your alpha back, you bring so much to the table, your awesomeness accounting ledger is 95% assets / 5% liabilities… chicks be needing to qualify to you. You don’t need a toxic batshit crazy chick bringing down your credit score. They need to show their worth to you, not vice versa. You can pick n choose and reject. Don’t settle for shit, don’t settle for entitled princess’s, don’t settle for picky flight risk whores. You’re too good for them. If any reject you, their fucking loss, they’re missing out on a great time, the fuck of a lifetime and the chance for something greater.

    ^^This^^ is awesome!

  2. […] my earlier post on Why You Should Work Out, i lamented that my body image was a great factor in my lack of confidence and self respect. So too […]

  3. You DO look awesome. I am a shoulder and bicep chick and you have those goin’ on. Butt shot next please and thank you. 😉

  4. Why thank you for the comps you sweet thing. You have made made me blush, made my week, and given me wood all in the same breath. The holy trinity if you will! I’ll put up a private photo gallery just for ya sometime soon 😉

    Guys, go check out this ladies legs (and the rest of her you misogynistic pricks)… they’re scrumptious and they go ALL the way up!

    Cheers darlin.

  5. butt shots are ready 😉

    how do i contact you directly, i’m not putting my ass up on the interwebz for the world to see lol. you have an email form on your site?

  6. […] too long ago i wrote about why you should start working out, at least from my own perspective and life’s experience, yours may differ. But something […]

  7. […] When i began my accomplishment, i was in the midst of a heart rending separation from my wife, financial turmoil, moving in and out of temporary residences and attending to my personal affairs. I was 190 lbs and in full depression. When i declared myself accomplished, i was 160 lbs, leaner, healthier, affairs in order, financially stabilized and looking towards fixin… […]

  8. Huge improvement over what you described as your old self. We need to empower more men to do what you did prior to relationships being on the brink or over the eedge. Continue to spread that red pill wisdom sir!

  9. Thanks man! I try and encourage every guy to start working out mind and body. Fix the core first and the rest will follow. You’re right, men need this at the start, not after they get blown out of the water. Once men return to being the proper gatekeepers of commitment because they won’t suffer from one-itus, knowing they’re own worth, then naturally they will get to select and reward only the good women with commitment and sexual validation.

    And women will have more alpha men to choose over to tone down their hypergamous civil war.

  10. […] there’s no place better to start than the gym or a martial art. The time and dedication necessary to change your body and your mind to overcome those obstacles will instill a pride and confidence within you to carry […]

  11. I think you should do an edit/update here with a new picture. This time, put forks between your knuckles at least!

    Talking to yourself is fine. After all, you know that your conversation is being listened to by someone who actually cares…right?

    I’ve dropped a full pound this week by doing nothing but denying myself any snacks/sugars (other than honey for my tea in the morning and an apple with lunch everyday). It’s difficult cause I have quite the sweet tooth, but I’m losing a pound a week…and I’ve been promised a relief for my “sex tooth” for being good. 😉

  12. Tarnished,

    Fork.. hahah!

    You and Lianne aka CST are making my week!

    Keep it up! Avoiding sugar is so damn hard i know personally, because it’s in EVERYTHING. So pat yourselves on the back!

    Sex tooth.. LOL

    Go get’m tigress 😉

  13. Oh, I will. Gonna try adding adding a little shaken champagne to my oral technique…supposed to feel silky/bubbly. Guess we’ll find out! 😉

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