Posts Tagged ‘tony.horton’


Why you should start working out

June 16, 2012

So you never get any doubts in your head that you are being passed over because you look like a slob.

That’s why i did it. You might agree or disagree but in the end it did the trick.

I got tired of looking at other guys around me, all seemingly fit and muscled up. All things being equal, i was at a disadvantage in the body shape department.

I was 190lbs when i left my former life. A tight belt size 38 waist. I wasn’t morbidly obese, but i did roll over my belt. Even tho i usually dressed well enough to conceal it, i certainly didn’t feel so hot with my shirt off and if i didn’t like it, i knew women wouldn’t lust after it either. I smoked, i was weazy and out of breath, hurt my lower back often, and really lazy.

My body image was my mental handicap. Without changing it, nothing else was going to help.

Shameless plug, but so worth it!

I started on p90x shortly after my marriage kerplunkt. I was determined. I nailed my wedding ring to the wall and made a vow that anytime i felt like quitting, i would look at that fucking ring and draw strength to continue. I was determined to get to Jason Stackhouse levels of Vampire Diaries fame. I’d like to think i’m getting close (those damn abs are elusive). I’m 160lbs, size 32 waist (i almost cried when i got there) clothes fit nice, snug and tight to the body, shadows produce great muscle tone, bumps and divets, i have so much more energy and stamina and strength. And i know i fucking look good to myself. You may differ in opinion but fuck you, mine’s the only one that matters right now.

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