
Cows to be led to slaughter as a euphamism for the current SMP

July 6, 2012

When you see children playing on a playground.. do you look at the two sexes and think “wow, these boys must absolutely HATE women. Look how they play together, laugh with each other, tell each other jokes and smile. The hate is just palpable!

Yeah i thought so.

[Edit: Even tho i started writing this a few days ago, I just caught a comment from Esau at HUS which mirrors the thought of this post. It’s here if you want to see it, it’s insightful.]

People aren’t born with an innate hatred towards others. They need to be either taught, or experience something that shapes their worldview. It’s the essence of our growth. Left to our own devices on an individual level, we would all most likely end up like Brooke Shields and whatshisname in the Blue Lagoon. (mmmmm Brooke Shields)

But of course once you get a whole shitload of people with an agenda harping at you, teaching you and telling you what you should feel and how you should react and what you should do about it.. regardless of what you really feel.. well, there’s a movie that describes that effect quite well too.


My spellchecker knows what it is.


I have a red wavy line running under it right now.

Both are real, but i imagine how they are reached often by two completely divergent paths. One is through educated hate and indoctrination in college and university study classes and groupthink. One is through life experiences of emotional trauma and upheaval when the pretty lies shatter and rain down like a thousand cutting daggers, where ultimately the matrix experiences a system crash.

I’ll let you take a moment to figure which points to which.

My brother coined the phrase ‘Woman are cows and good for only one thing, to be led to slaughter.‘ I’ll get to that more in a moment.

Over at the Captains he talks about being a former player, and losing a bit of your soul dealing with the constant rejection by women who have no problem rejecting men left right and center. You have to harder yourself to this or it will destroy you.

Another commenter adds

van Rooinek said… It requires you give up a little bit of humanity and treat it like a genuine, real and passionless game. You almost have to get to the level of ignoring the fact the girls are fellow humans and look at them more like hurdles or benchmarks to overcome

Sad to say, as a celibate, virgin-til-marrriage, nonplayer, earnestly seeking a good Christian wife, I had to get to the same point. The endless treadmill of baseless rejection was so soul destroying, that to avoid ending up suicidally depressed, eventually I just had to start looking at women as a prey-species to be dispassionately studied, tracked, and hunted, rather than as fellow human beings worthy of emotional investment.

Read that again:
You almost have to get to the level of ignoring the fact the girls are fellow humans

“hurdles or benchmarks”… or cows.

In my beta days, I always wondered were Misogyny came from. Men aren’t born hating women.

But even through my beta.. i knew something was amiss. Something inside me felt an anger welling up. I couldn’t place my finger on it, but i knew it was growing. It never became full blown, even after my marriage tanked. Even after having to deal with too man LJBF attempts. Even after realizing many ‘truths’ i held were just fucking lies told to me, about what women wanted, how they wanted to be treated, what they really wanted in a guy. But i can very well understand why some guys will go over the deep end and write all women off as being evil and hate them for being ‘women’. I can understand why my brother took it to this level. He played by their rules and got played, abused, cheated on and dumped. So he took a no holds barred approach and changed the rules of the game.

Only a select few women ever earned his respect. Every other woman was a cow to be led to slaughter. There was no other reason to treat them as human beings unless they showed an ability to not be ‘that girl‘.. the type that deserved to be slaughtered.. (to be used for a P&D and discarded).

I simply don’t think women understand the costs men deal with having to be the one to shoulder the burden of serial rejection. It’s not like it happens once or twice. It happens CONSTANTLY! And women don’t even think twice. Their ability to shoot down and reject for such trivialities as having the audacity to wear a bow tie, or because they’re good at a card game called Magic:the Gathering, or because they you’re 5’11” instead of over 6′ (but she’s only 5’2″). She didn’t like your hairstyle, she didn’t like the type of shoes you wore, or her friends don’t think you’re good enough for her.

I’d like to flip the role for a split second and see if women would enjoy this role and not develop a hatred of men if women spent the bulk of their sexual youth being socially pressured to get their self esteem and value from approaching guys and:

– getting shot down constantly because guys could wait for the better, hotter, sluttier chick to approach
– not being told what you did wrong, if anything. just continue ‘being yourself’
– being dismissed because you wore black pants instead of a frilly skirt
– being avoided because your tits aren’t big enough
– being dropped because you enjoy listening to Pink Floyd instead of Ramstein
– being rejected because you’re a blond instead of a brunette
– being cast aside because you read Twilight instead of playing Modern Warfare
– being told you’re ‘ewwwww’ because your left eye is 0.3 millimeters higher than your right eye
– being shown the hand because you decided to wear sandals instead of 4 inch stilettos
– being nuclear rejected and have a scene made because you’re 10lbs overweight

HEY GIRL, who cares whether you feel ugly, unsexy or invalidated and want to the point where you want to put a gun in your mouth… you’re not entitled to any guys penis. Buck up bitch.. soldier on. Relationships are worth all that misery right? Just play the numbers game.. eventually some guy will eventually see your true worth and give you a chance, maybe even a second date? So keep approaching those guys, keep putting it on the line, and keep getting rejected over the most vapid reasons day in and day out and tell me EXACTLY how you feel?

Doesn’t feel good huh ladies.

In fact, think about the very rare few times a woman might actual be rejected.. usually after a pump n dump, or by a guy with superior options and simply dismisses a woman because she brings nothing to the table that he wants. How do these women respond?

– they cry ‘how could he be so cold?’
– they scream ‘what a fucking asshole!’
– they bitch to their girlfriends and get validation that ‘all men are pigs/dogs/assholes’
– they screech about how ‘men are little boys, afraid of commitment or empowered women’
– they plot to go find some dude to fuck just to ‘get back’ at their ex.. with wanton disregard to what the target might be desiring of if he develops feelings. he’s just a tool to be used. he’s only a man. he has no feelings.

Looks like Misandry to me.

I now begin to understand why my brother was who he was. He was my first example of both PUA and MGTOW rolled into one. He used dark game to get pussy when he wanted it, but didn’t ‘live’ to attain it, instead followed his own pursuits and invested only what little was required when boredom and sexual urge arose. He had a huge black book with tons of numbers. Very few he would speak of in endearing terms. Those were the ones that proved to be different than what his expectations of a woman were. The rest..

At the end of they day, you could say he was a Misogynist. I would probably not argue against it, even tho he did love his mother as i do. It’s just that our mom is nothing like what you see in the current SMP today. Apples and oranges. But i’ll guarantee you he did not come out of her womb hating women. It’s how women treated him throughout his adolescence that helped shape his path. When he played by the rules, he got steamrolled. When he became a misogynist, he got laid when he wanted and only dealt with the really good girls.

Chivalry begets abuse.

And none of this even begins to touch on women’s attitudes and thoughts regarding men’s rights, equality, injustices, divorce, alimony, reproductive rights, female supremacy, grlz rule, throw rocks at boyz, etc.. we’re just dealing with the brutality of the SMP and casual ability of rejection and removal of a huge percentage of men from the mating game.

Misogyny is not innate. It’s bred. And each new generation of overly indulgent, ego driven, overly empowered, and narcissistic crop of feminism indoctrinated woman who relegates the bulk of men to the sidelines of incel-ville while riding the ponies breeds it like mosquito’s after the rain.

After all, you can only be constantly rejected so many times over before you begin to realize women as a whole simply do not find you worthy of DNA replication. They want to see your line end and they couldn’t care less. So why should you care about them either?

Time to get me a hamburger.


  1. You’ve got to be taught
    To hate and fear,
    You’ve got to be taught
    From year to year,
    It’s got to be drummed
    In your dear little ear
    You’ve got to be carefully taught.

    –Oscar Hammerstein II, “South Pacific”, 1949

  2. This post reminds me of a good quote from the Danimal archive:
    The question is, what price does the objectively unattractive man have to pay as he pursues enormous numbers of sexy women to find that one statistical outlier who will have him? The answer is probably: a rather high price. He must find a way to become so emotionally dead that he is not bothered by receiving endlessly unfavorable evaluations from the many women he must hit on before he finds the exception. One way to do this is to cultivate a certain lack of respect for women. If you truly do not respect an entire class of people, you will not be as bothered by their rejections of you. This is why the jerks get the girls.

    For the modern day SMP, you could replace “objectively unattractive” with “average” and it works just as well.

  3. Sorry, the html messed up. Not sure why, but the paragraphs didn’t work. *shrugs*

  4. Okay. let me try that again, and if this works, please delete the comment above. (Or not.)

    This post reminds me of a good quote from the Danimal archives:

    The question is, what price does the objectively unattractive man have to pay as he pursues enormous numbers of sexy women to find that one statistical outlier who will have him? The answer is probably: a rather high price. He must find a way to become so emotionally dead that he is not bothered by receiving endlessly unfavorable evaluations from the many women he must hit on before he finds the exception.

    One way to do this is to cultivate a certain lack of respect for women. If you truly do not respect an entire class of people, you will not be as bothered by their rejections of you. This is why the jerks get the girls.

    For the modern day SMP, you could replace “objectively unattractive” with “average” and it works just as well.

  5. I think a large part of this is simply the dire contrast between blue pill men and men that know the true nature of women from having pursued them, enjoyed them, and seen their real strengths and weaknesses separate from the lies we’ve been told about how women are either as good as men or better than them in every way.

    To the blue pill man, our regard for women is one of contempt due to this relative contrast.

    Yet, what he doesn’t know, is that we know the faults of women. And yet we still pursue them and enjoy them anyways. We take their faults and accept them as the reality of the situation we have to deal with if we desire to have a feminine presence in our lives. We don’t let them get away with shit. But we don’t set them up to fail by allowing their hypergamy to run amok either.

    Thus, why would you care about the opinion of something that is in no way something special and that you know has a tendency to instantly rewrite her emotional and rational history if she comes to see you as unattractive? There was nothing true, honest, or deep in her appraisal of you; it is usually more an appraisal of herself and her reactions towards you rather than your true character. Once you know this, its easy to shrug, move on, and not get caught up on the reactions of women like the 80% blue pill population does.

  6. van Rooinek said… It requires you give up a little bit of humanity and treat it like a genuine, real and passionless game. You almost have to get to the level of ignoring the fact the girls are fellow humans and look at them more like hurdles or benchmarks to overcome

    Actually… I was quoting someone else there. I myself, however, did answer thus:

    as a celibate, virgin-til-marrriage, nonplayer, earnestly seeking a good Christian wife, I had to get to the same point. The endless treadmill of baseless rejection was so soul destroying, that to avoid ending up suicidally depressed, eventually I just had to start looking at women as a prey-species to be dispassionately studied, tracked, and hunted, rather than as fellow human beings worthy of emotional investment

    You quoted me correctly, but you omitted the next part, which is all important:

    I was fortunately able to turn off that coldbloodedness once I finally found and married a good one.

    My Dad, however, was not. By the time he finally found a woman, he hated women. He was a genetic til-death-do-us-part monogamist and never abusive, but his heart had died inside, long before he met Mom.

    So… Be warned. Some aspects of your heart, you’ll have to just set aside during the mateseeking process. But DON’T LOSE THEM, you’ll need them when you finally DO get married.

  7. […] inflated ego’s and facebook attention whores who vastly overrate their sex rank and will be lining up to get slaughtered by PUA’s and frat boys, only to go to complain to that poor, introverted, incel beta LJBF in training that all men are […]

  8. […] hypergamy.. we know that filter is fucking broken beyond all possible repair in the 21st century. Women are getting slaughtered in the SMP by pump n dump professionals to the tune of a new ‘man up’ article or ‘where are […]

  9. […] Today we have more socially awkward men than ever before. Because women hold an unequal and unfair advantage in terms of both attraction and being able to pick up where left off after kicking someone to the curb. Most women couldn’t fucking tell you what outcome dependence or abundance mentality are. Today only the alpha thrives. Today’s awkward men are awkward because none are ever given a chance to develop in an environment around women, and left to ramp up their awkward in solitude. Today men get rejected for the most trivial reasons and its hard to build up confidence when you lose more than you win. Only the most hardened and heartless can get through it with the will to keep going, but usually with the result of treating women like prey rather than people, like cows led to slaughter. […]

  10. One of my favorite family comedies was “Everybody Loves Raymond.” In one particular episode, “The Power of No”, Ray discovers that the one night he turned down his wife for sex, she suddenly wanted to have more of it. He becomes so excited about this sudden turn of events, he starts turning her down more and more, just to get her to behave nicely in other aspects of their marriage. When she discovers what she is up to, she is shocked he would do such a thing, and cannot understand why Ray would be so hurtful. Ray points out that their whole marriage has been about her rejecting him for sex to a far greater degree. If she could not handle three nights of rejection, can she imagine how he has felt during the whole marriage?

    It was a 22 show about how women reject men, even men they marry, and expect that it will have no consequences on a man’s confidence.

    You can see the whole episode on YouTube here:

  11. It’s not like guys are sexually charitable either. We mostly care about looks, bone structure, fat deposits, age, etc. Sure, personality matters a lot, but over all, we guys reject plenty of girls too, just by not flirting with them and inviting them over. Life isn’t fair unfortunately.

  12. @rdawg “…We guys reject plenty of girls too, just by not flirting with them and inviting them over”.
    If by “not flirting with girls” or “not inviting them over” is rejection, then by that logic, guys get DOUBLY rejected. We have to deal with outright rejections PLUS those that “don’t flirt” with us. When was the last time a random hot girl just appoached u and said “hey stranger, wanna come over to my place and have sex?”
    Guys have it worse in that aspect: we get rejected by (a)”not being asked out” and (b)flat-out rejection

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