Archive for July 6th, 2012


There are still Unicorns out there.

July 6, 2012

I have a great female colleague at work.. one of those rare unicorns that ‘gets it‘.

She lent me this today. It’s her copy.

Hot desktop, beer, The Game. Time for an edumacation.

She read it so that she could see the player coming from a mile away. To her credit, she’s a really good girl and im glad she screens for players and cads. She’s a great person and is not one i would like to see used, so the more she has in her arsenal to keep from getting used, the better. There is actually video of her on a TV show called ‘Keys to the VIP’ where she absolutely shoots down and destroys and obvious pick up artist trying to get her number in a bar. It’s priceless to watch. She is a true gatekeeper. I’d have her on my soccer team any day!

She grew up in a family with a lot of brothers and men in general so she isn’t your typical entitled North American hamsterized chick. She’s knee deep in redpill and is trying to navigate a fucked up SMP just like me.

To her credit tho, she wants me to read it. Not to become a cad per say, but if that’s what it turns out makes me happy, then so be it. She simply wants me to become more confident and to understand the nature of women as it happens to be. She wants me to be successful. She wants me to learn the art, get out there, play the field, to put a couple wins under my belt, breed more confidence, rinse repeat. She knows the great guy that i am and the circumstances i came from, beta doormat and all. She thinks i deserve better than what i was dealt in the past.

She wants me to be happy.

How many women do you know that would willingly give you a copy of this book in order to help you become more attractive?

If she ever stumbles across this blog by accident, i want her to know i appreciate the gesture immensely.

You’re awesome C! You are worth the friendzone.

Just don’t get too drunk around me, i might start hitting on ya 😉 then it’s just trouble…


Cows to be led to slaughter as a euphamism for the current SMP

July 6, 2012

When you see children playing on a playground.. do you look at the two sexes and think “wow, these boys must absolutely HATE women. Look how they play together, laugh with each other, tell each other jokes and smile. The hate is just palpable!

Yeah i thought so.

[Edit: Even tho i started writing this a few days ago, I just caught a comment from Esau at HUS which mirrors the thought of this post. It’s here if you want to see it, it’s insightful.]

People aren’t born with an innate hatred towards others. They need to be either taught, or experience something that shapes their worldview. It’s the essence of our growth. Left to our own devices on an individual level, we would all most likely end up like Brooke Shields and whatshisname in the Blue Lagoon. (mmmmm Brooke Shields)

But of course once you get a whole shitload of people with an agenda harping at you, teaching you and telling you what you should feel and how you should react and what you should do about it.. regardless of what you really feel.. well, there’s a movie that describes that effect quite well too.


My spellchecker knows what it is.


I have a red wavy line running under it right now.

Both are real, but i imagine how they are reached often by two completely divergent paths. One is through educated hate and indoctrination in college and university study classes and groupthink. One is through life experiences of emotional trauma and upheaval when the pretty lies shatter and rain down like a thousand cutting daggers, where ultimately the matrix experiences a system crash.

I’ll let you take a moment to figure which points to which.

My brother coined the phrase ‘Woman are cows and good for only one thing, to be led to slaughter.‘ I’ll get to that more in a moment.

Read the rest of this entry ?